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  1. Functionality to generate physical letters

    My organization is not going to go entirely digital. I need to generate the occasional physical letter. The idea is that in addition to being able to generate ad-hoc emails, I want to be able to generate ad-hoc physical mailings. But they are not really ad-hoc; they correspond to points in my organization's processes that do not map to WildApricot. I want to store templates for these letters in WildApricot; when the need arises, I would like to be able to ask WildApricot to instantiate a template I pick for a member I pick. I can do the printing and…

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  2. Include event tags in export of invoices for events

    We're loving WA, and we think it's really going to work!

    The one thing we're finding a bit strange is that Event Category tags work fantastic, but they don't show up anywhere in reporting.

    Furthermore, it's impossible to export a list of events and see any sort of financial data.

    It would be fantastic to have event included in the list of invoices and export of invoices

    Then if we could export this with financial data that would be top!



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  3. Ability to schedule follow-up event email to attendees

    I would like the ability to be able to schedule a follow-up email to all attendees of an event when the event is built.

    We send out a customer satisfaction survey to all overnight/fly trip participants, and it would be great to just pre-load these in the event as we do Reminder emails and other customized event emails so they can go out consistently a few days after the event is over.

    Currently there is no way to schedule a customized email to go out automatically AFTER the event is over.

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  4. Bundle membership pricing

    Current behavior:

    Bundle membership pricing policy is is not flexible - administrator can only setup memberhsip fee and bundle limit. No way to setup pricing based on number of people in bundle.

    Desired behavior:

    Add ability to admin to set pricing policy for bundle memberships.For example, we receive feedback from our customers:
    - "...It would be much easier to have a quantity field to compute the number of members for billing... People select the number of members to include in the bundle. The system calculates the invoice amount."
    - "...Group memberships - would like a system that allows multiple registrations,…

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  5. Searching by and reporting on invoiced/paid by area by person

    I would like to be able to search by the amount a person has paid money to the organization, across the board: membership, event, donation, etc. Right now I can do it only by choosing membership and/or donation, but don't see how I can capture event payment info in the search criteria.


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  6. Managing email subscriptions to forum updates

    Current behavior:
    Members can subscribe to receive updates about forum posts by email - by going to the forum and clicking on a subscription link in that forum or topic
    However, there is no way for administrator to view their subscription status or change it.
    If administrator wants to subscribe them manually, the only way is to log in under member's profile (so he has to know the password) and subscribe to forums as if he is this member - very crude workaround.
    Admin can only remove subscriptions from member records.

    Desired behavior:
    - Allow administrator to subscribe member(s) to…

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  7. Deleting event registraion types after copying an existing event

    When copying a previous event there is no way to quickly delete unwanted registration types that get carried in from the previous event. You can only disable individual reg. types which is tedious.

    It would be great if there could be a delete button beside each registration type within an event on the Event Registration Types page.

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  8. Ability to change sort order on the attendee list - published view

    I know this has been talked about before, but it looks like it was just on the admin side.

    I am wondering if there is a way to sort the attendee list that is published for general members to see.

    We tend to have about 800-900 members register to attend our events, and would like the list to be sorted alphabetically so that people can easily search to see if their friends have registered. It is currently sorted by WHEN they registered.

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  9. Provide event name on Financial documents

    When using the Financial tab, it is difficult to tell the source of the transaction, other than the general "event registration". For events, it would be extremely helpful if the list displayed the name of the specific event. Now you have to open the transaction to see which event it is for.

    This problem is even more apparent when viewing open balances from canceled registrations ---- WA does not record the source of the cancelation (except within the specific event). And since the invoice is deleted on cancels, there is no record in WA of the actual DATE of the…

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  10. Export event registration fields report

    I would like to be able to export the Event registration fields report

    This is where we have information on who wants what kind of meal, whether they are licensed ot not, etc. It would be very useful to have this as an excel file.Thanks

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  11. Control size and number of pictures members can add to their photo albums

    We allow our members to upload photos into a photo album shown with their Profile. Our level allows each image to be up to 25MB and that is way too big for viewing satisfactorily and will also use up our maximum allowed MB in no time. We also have no way to limit the number of images in an album. The automatic features of limiting how many albums there are is nice as is the automatic thumbnail feature with a click to show the full image. However, we really need to be able to control the number and size of…

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  12. Display membership whose renewal date is > something

    I'd like to display someplace on the website the current count of members that are active, and I'd also like to display the number of those that have already renewed for the next year. Something like:

    Active Membership: X

    Of the membership, X have renewed for 2011

    (We are on a calendar based membership)

    How easy is this?


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  13. Links to external sites as Menu Items

    Currently a menu item has to be a WA object (content page, event listing, forum, etc.). If I want to link to an external website (your national organization for example) or even a specific event registration page as a menu item, you have to create an empty content page and use JavaScript and/or a meta tag redirect to send the user on (See this help page for additional detail: ).

    It would be great if you could enter a url for the menu item rather than this kludgey redirect process. This could also be accomplished through implementing a http…

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  14. Add "Anonymous" Commenting Option to Profile

    Currently, anyone commenting on a Forum has their name displayed with their comment. The only way to comment anonymously is to remove all outside access to the profile.

    On the premise that people might be more willing to participate in a Forum if they could easily create anonymity, adding a profile option to permit anonymous commenting would be a helpful feature.

    An alternative approach might be to direct the commenter through a process allowing removal of their name, substituting of a "nickname" or simply "anonymous" to identify the commenter.

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  15. Member database field with picture

    We would like a multiple choice field where we can associate a different picture (credential logo) from our file to each item. When members attain the associated credential, the picture (logo) would come up on their profile. Currently, our workaround takes up extra memory as we add a new picture for every credential for each member.

    Current Example:

    Member #1 CRS Credential (upload CRS picture to member profile)

    Member #2 CRS Credential (upload new CRS picture to member profile)

    Member #3 CRS Credential (upload new CRS picture to member profile)

    New example:

    Multiple choice field with picture associated (from WA…

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  16. Order forum summary other than alphabetical

    When using multiple forums, the forums are listed in the summary in alphabetical order. I would like my discussion forum users to see the forums in an order that I choose, not alphabetical. I would also like to leave the forum names as is, instead of re-naming with a prefix to get the correct order.

    For example, I would like my users to see the "Rules" forum at the top of the forum summary and my "Everything Else" forum to appear at the bottom. Currently they appear within my forum summary where "R" and "E" fall in the alphabet.


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  17. Shortcut to send payment receipts from invoice details screen

    After an invoice is paid, if we click on 'E-mail' it still generates an invoice asking for payment. Can this be changed to send a receipt instead?

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  18. FORUM - include full posting text in email digest

    Because the daily forum summary only includes topics and links, users are not willing to switch from Yahoo groups. We'd rather not maintain both systems, obviously. People want to read the post on their mobile device email instead of having to logon to see them.

    We need to be able to specify if our daily digest will include just the topics and links, or contain the full text of the new postings. Would be nice if users could switch their individual setting from the site default if they don't want full text, for example.

    Our forum activity isn't very high,…

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  19. Copying events: changing event dates relative to new start date

    When copying an existing event to create a new one, it would be even better if the process would be able to change all the dates related to the event relative to the new event date.

    Currently, you have to go in and change all the Registration type open or closing dates which can easily be overlooked when copying an event. It would be great if the system could maintain the same dates relative to the new date of the event being created.

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  20. Drop Down Menu for Extra Cost

    I have spent about 15 days developing a site for my clients that provide a mountain bike demo event in Moab utah. Our participants can select from approximately 40 different bikes to demo in three separate events. Each bike carries separate demo charges.

    We desperately need a drop down menu that will designate separate costs when selected. I am frantically attempting to create workarounds to get over this problem. But it is proving to be difficult.

    My clients are very upset with this setback. Is there any way this can be custom built into my cart? Or any great ideas…

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