Future-dating blog posts
I would like to have a feature added to the Blog module.
In many cases, I will write several blog posts at once, though I would like to have them post in different dates in the future. I am able to do this on blogspot and it is really handy if you want to set up regular posts, reminder posts, etc. and keep the action going!
Would you consider that the blog-post would only post on the (activate) day that is used in the top of each post?
Thanks in advance,

J-S commented
blogging has been around for years so this seems to be "basic" functionality. surprised. . . .
ReuseMN commented
Please add the ability to schedule a news post without it going live right away. Similar to how you'd schedule an email to send later (or posts in social media). We can already set the date to a future or past date, so being able to schedule it is the logical next step. For small orgs like mine, this would be a huge help. Otherwise, at the very least, please add a "Draft" option so news items can be created without being published right away. Sometimes they take time to create and you need the ability to come back.
Ability to scheduled blog post
Anonymous commented
Our team is hampered by not being able to schedule blog posts to publish on future dates. We would like the ability to batch work and set dates for them to be posted.
curiosity keeper commented
I can't believe this isn't possible. Really makes life more difficult.
Eric commented
I was really surprised you could post a future date but that it automatically posts the article with no warning or saying it will be visible to the public with a future date. This should really be scheduled and considering scheduling email and event reminders is possible, you should be able to carry that forward to blog posting.
Tyler Freeman commented
A schedule or draft function is absolutely necessary and it's honestly shocking and disappointing that this does not already exist.
MAA commented
Any updates on this? Desperately seeking a scheduling function!
Kellie commented
Scheduling is a critical feature for my workflow. Multiple posts in queue with publish dates. I hope you implement this feature as a priority. :)
Jan commented
At the very least I would like to create drafts and save them to finish/post later.
Kelsey Barber commented
Schedule & save drafts of blog posts
Tony commented
I would also like this feature
Adam commented
Here is my comment on my need for schedule blogging. I use other tools that read the RSS feed from our blog on Wild Apricot. That RSS feed is then shared to as posts to our Facebook, Twitter, Google + pages and such. The Simple solution would not work because the post is still be posted. You are just hiding it. This kills the ability to have the rest of our social media show the posts when our website is updated.
We need a real scheduler that is available to every other blog out there.
Thanks -
Carrie Heider Grant commented
Ability to queue up multiple blog posts and schedule them in advance of the publishing date.
Emma Hill commented
So, 6 years later there's still no blog scheduler? A blog scheduler would be so useful! I LOVE the simple suggestion of having posts being posted immediately, but hidden until the specified date roles around. Even the simplest, most basic scheduling feature would be a significant improvement. What ever is easiest for wild apricot staff to put up quickly. Please give your bloggers a scheduling feature!
VP WPTC commented
@Evgeny ... yes I think your "simple plan" would be sufficient for most people's needs and certainly better than nothing. So if going after the simple solution means getting the feature to market sooner...then it has my vote!
Stuart McClain commented
perhaps it would be an easier implementation if there were a setting in the Widget for displaying blog posts that filters based on the 'Author Date/Time" - so you could put a future date in that field - and only have articles/posts display that are equal to or before the current date - then as the the blog post date equals the current date - it will then display as new??
Shannon Pratt commented
Ability to schedule blog posts. It would be great to be able to write a blog/news post in advance of when it needs to go live on the website aka write & schedule instead of needing to write & post in the moment.
Faye Johnson, M.Photog, FP commented
We'd like to schedule a number of blogs to be posted at a later We'd like to schedule a number of blogs to be posted at a later date, like a blog scheduler.? We'd also like to have the blogs in a format, so that they can be shared, tracked and commented on with the ability to attach images and videos. Such as the free tutorials on Phlearn.com.
Douglas Lusk commented
Any plans yet for when we will see this feature added?