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Mostly about Wild Apricot API. Feel free to share examples of your code!

207 results found

  1. Facility Management Integration

    Has anyone been able to successful integrate facility management software with Wild Apricot? Something like Skedda or any others on the market.

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  2. on-site API not working

    I am using the format here:
    to list past events for my members (/sys/api/v2/accounts/<account number>/events). I want to display events in a certain way and then present some custom functionality. However, it is not working. While I (full admin) can see the list of events, the members get an error that says " error (403): Current token does not provide access to scope 'events_view'.". I shouldn't need any new tokens as this should use the access of the logged in user. On the page at the link above, it says "In this case, you don’t need an authentication token,…

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  3. Custom Button on Contact Page

    I want to create a button on the members profile page to allow them to request a copy of their membership certificate. The button would call a webhook in which would trigger the issue of the certificate.

    I can create a button using a custom HTML module, but i need to pass the member id with it.


    Does anyone know if it possible to do that with a variable that will detect the users id


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  4. Google Sheets API example not working

    Has anyone successfully worked through the Google Spreadsheet application from ?
    It seems to be missing a lot.
    Following the instructions I get Exception: Request failed for returned code 400. Truncated ser.....
    There is noting on setting it up as an authorized application or entering the API key (which I have done). Also nothing on the Application Name.
    There just seems to be a lot missing (like trigger deployment in Google sheets).

    Can anyone shed any light on this ?

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  5. Recreate the Members report via API?

    I looked all thru the API reference on swagger and the most likely place this data is being pulled is the the auditlog. I want to grab the member levels at the end of each month of a given date range. Is this possible via the API? Thanks!!

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  6. API for Event Registration: option to automatically "Confirm without Invoice" instead of clicking a button in Web UI

    Hi, when I use the API to automatically create an event registration, it produces a "Confirm without Invoice" button for administrators. I'm looking for the API equivalent of this button.

    I would expect this to be an option for the "<id>/EventRegistrations/" POST request, but it doesn't seem to be. It seems like at least one other person on this forum requested this (in a comment so I can't vote for it) as well.


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  7. TIPS on setting up a custom domain on your WA account:

    TIPS on setting up a custom domain on your WA account:
    1- Set DNS records first [make sure to include CAA record]
    if you can toggle TTL to a low number, do so.
    2- Add a custom domain to your WA account [Make sure the SSL install checkbox is checked]
    you will need to add both www and non-www domain names
    4- Click the [check] box next to the newly added custom name
    5- Correct any errors [Note the tricky one being combining multiple spf record entries into 1]
    6- If you are not able to see the SSL install,…

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  8. How to integrate between custom Front-end Signup along with Payment API?

    We would like to create our custom front-end for signing up a new membership using API. With that, we would like to have a payment directly from user as well as part of membership.

    1. For now, we already done integrating signup to Apricot membership using automation tools. But, we cannot receive a payment from new user directly unless we sending user an email for payment
    2. Using Js directly to the our custom fe also blocked by CORS. We do not need authentication header too since it will use for signing up new membership.

    Any guidance, advice, and help are much…

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  9. Import records into forum gadget

    How can we import records into a forum gadget? This is important to create a forum that has history of data from a previous platform or from other tables. It needs to include columns for the time-stamp and the user ID "creating" each record.

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  10. How to Change registrant visibility when moving from waitlist to registrants

    There is way to change the default with JavaScript. I found the HTML of the checkbox with the Google "View page source" function, then created a content row in the "Event Details" system page and added the following code (see comment) to the created content HTML. The next time a user joins a wait list the default will be set to show visibility,

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  11. Invoice Update (Put) fails

    The Invoice update ("Put") API call fails if the Invoice has already been Paid.{accountId}/invoices/{invoiceID}

    The call fails with "Invalid paid amount." I tried to change "IsPaid" to "False" and the "PaidAmount" to "0.0" to resolve the error, but the API call still fails with the same message.

    I tried to remove the "settlement" of the payment against the invoice using the following API call:{accountId}/payments/{paymentId}/UnallocateFromPayment

    This successfully removed the Invoice from the list of settlements, however the invoice itself still shows as "Paid" and I am still unable to change it. Additionally, because the invoice is still marked as…

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  12. API Timeout

    Hi, I have a script that fetches the contactId for each person in the database and then gets the details of each person. The rate limit for the "contact by identifier" is 120 per minute. I seem to be getting some time out errors every now and then. I am wondering if this is due to the rate limit. I have the request set for 2 requests per second. Sometimes after 600 records or so it starts to timeout. My script is set up to retry the ID after 5 seconds. It will go through a max of 3 retries…

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  13. How use / encode $filter in a curl call

    How do you encode a $filter query param in a curl call, e.g. 'First name' eq 'John'

    curl "{accountId}/contacts?$async=false&$filter='First name' eq 'John'" \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer {token}"

    I tried several ways of encoding, including URLEncode, but I keep getting:

    ---->>>> curl: (3) URL rejected: Malformed input to a URL function

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  14. archive

    Does anyone know how to catch when a contact is archived? I'm using (previously integromat) and it doesn't seem that archiving a contact is triggering modifying a contact...

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  15. Javascript API - Basic Introductory Example? I can't get any examples to work

    Can anyone on this forum that has got the javascript (ajax) API to work on a WA page give me a simple working example? Of anything.

    The does not work (its clearly missing a lot of guidance)

    I've tried Dmitry's examples and they do not work for me.
    I've tried both my Account ID and an app api key in all examples.

    I do get the excel spreadsheet example to work.

    Any assistance would be greatly appreciated!

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  16. get all data

    I need to be able to export all of a persons data via the API. For example all of the typical fields related to the person including custom fields. Also, events they attended with all of the available information for the event for that person. Also, if emails were sent to that person, if they were opened, clicked, etc. I want an entire snapshot of all of the data for each person in Wild Apricot. Is there a way to get this information via the API?

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  17. Action Required: It’s time to revisit your Privacy Policy and Terms of Service

    One of my customers received this quasi-spam email subject line, "Action Required: It’s time to revisit your Privacy Policy and Terms of Service" what kind of bullhockey is this? An ad to buy Termly's package to update the language for the checkout page? What's this. Do you find it as nefarious as I do?

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  18. Contacts API filter by FieldValues

    I want to be able to retrieve contacts based on the value of a custom contact field.

    I have been testing using the Swagger interface.

    The following filters return errors:

    Filter: member eq true and 'testfield' eq '12345'
    Filter: member eq true and testfield eq '12345'
    Error: Operator Equal is not supported for attribute testfield

    Filter: member eq true and substringof('testfield', '12345')
    Error: Operator Like is not supported for attribute testfield

    The 'testfield' attribute seems to be valid, however the filters are not supported.
    I could load all the contacts and filter them but isn't that wasting WA resources?


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  19. eventregistrations api returning incorrect Name

    When a member registers for an event they are prompted for their name and email. If they enter a different name than the name assigned to their member/contact info, then the event registration displays the different name that was entered. This seems proper, but when we perform an API request for the event registration info (via /eventregistrations/erid#) it properly returns both of the "RegistrationFields"->name and email, and the "Contact"->ID,
    BUT, the "Contact"->Name is returned is the same modified name as "RegistrationFields"->name

    Should this not be returning the Contact's saved name, not the event registration name?

    We have browsed the entire…

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  20. 1 vote

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