get all data
I need to be able to export all of a persons data via the API. For example all of the typical fields related to the person including custom fields. Also, events they attended with all of the available information for the event for that person. Also, if emails were sent to that person, if they were opened, clicked, etc. I want an entire snapshot of all of the data for each person in Wild Apricot. Is there a way to get this information via the API?

You can use the GET{account_id}/contacts/{contact_id} for getting a contact/membership data, GET{account_id}/eventregistrations?contactId={contact_id} for getting all event registrations, GET{account_id}/invoices?contactId={contact_ID} for getting all invoices, GET{account_id}/payments?contactId={contact_ID} for getting all payments, GET{account_id}/refunds?contactId={contact_ID} for getting all refunds. There is no API for retrieving email statistics for the person at the moment.
See more information about available API endpoints here: