This forum is for any designer (new and old) who is involved in the design of a Wild Apricot based websites.
373 results found
Congrats on New Nicasio Design Website Launch
Congrats on New Nicasio Design Website Launch t our friends at PWARome.Org
1 vote -
Nicasio Themes
We are always asked if the Nicasio Themes are [like] Wild Apricot. I would like to clarify that the Themes we create are ALL 100% using and running on the Wild Apricot CMS.
1 vote -
Image galleries, global and member level
I can't find a "does this exist" section, so I'm posting it here...
I'm representing a group of artists, we are looking to move away from a WordPress based site, to something with better security and easier management. Less skill required to maintain too.
Wild Apricot is a possibility, initial impressions are that the member management is on a different level, (great!), but web page options are much more restricted.
One of the things we really like about the old setup is the galleries - which we have at 2 different levels. A global gallery showing work by all members,…
3 votes -
Please Modernize Your System!
I cannot begin to tell you how frustrating it is to build a site with WildApricot. It's particularly bad with a redesign.
-There is no staging environment and no way to move a new design to a new site.
-There is no import or export tool.
-There is no way to assign new page templates in bulk.
-The code produced by your page editor is bloated and does not follow standards.The designer/developer experience of your product has languished for years. I cannot believe it is still this cumbersome. Please consider a serious overhaul of these processes.
8 votes -
looking for a designer to hire
Hi, my organization is looking for a designer for our WA website. Please contact me if you are interested.
3 votes -
Making custom wild apricot themes
We can build any website on to the wild apricot platform. Here are some examples -
https://ihia.org3 votes -
New Nicasio Theme #8
We now have 8 WA Themes to offer - here is the 8th one:
https://nicasio-theme-8.wildapricot.org2 votes -
Our newest custom theme
Many of our clients want a new custom/branded theme. We delivered this one recently:
https://officemovingcrn.com1 vote -
Looking for a Designer
We are looking for a designer to help us with our Wild Apricot website, Please contact me if you are interested: (Heather).
2 votes -
A way to get members to edit their profiles
Follow this link for script/code to add to your WA site and get members to land on their profile page post login.
1 vote -
Redirect on logout
Picking the brain trust ...I'm looking for a way to redirect to an external website on logout.
Any suggestion?
Thanks!1 vote -
Login Button on Mobile
Is there a way to adjust the login button in my header menu to not be visible when on the mobile screen size and the mobile panel gets activated? Right now it stays in the header so I have two login buttons in the header when on mobile and it's extra annoying. See image.
Thanks for any help with this.
1 vote -
Custom Themes
We are often asked - 'can you design and develop custom unique looking themes for use on Wild Apricot?'
Yes we can -
https://wildapricotcustomthemes.com1 vote -
Nicasio Before and After Wild Apricot Themes/Refined
We can take themes that are old and outdated or default wild apricot themes and convert them to this!
1 vote -
Nicasio Themes Explained
We published an article explaining what Nicasio Wild Apricot Themes are:
1 vote -
music streaming
Wondering how to create a music streaming app like Spotify? We’ve just the thing. VPlayed can help you, and we're not just blowing our own trumpet… with the latest technology and upgradable features, it's simply the best option for streaming services that take advantage of all that modern tech has to offer.
1 vote -
Existing contact details are not reflecting while creating donation manually
Existing contact has name, phone no, address, etc., but After selecting existing also still we need to reenter all the details like name, phone no, address again in the donation form while creating donation manually. I hope that this is not best approach. Can you make them reflect same fields content automatically once we selected existing contact ?.
1 vote -
Nicasio Design Theme #7
We have a 7th Theme. Please feel free to check it out here as well as all our WA themes:
https://nicasio-theme-7.wildapricot.orgAll Nicasio Themes: vote -
Change Menu Length
My menu length only increases if I have more tabs, which can only be seen with an account login. When someone is not logged in, this is the view that they see. Is there any way to just increase the block size?
2 votes -
images as links to anchors
We have a webpage that includes 8 small, individual graphics at the top of the page (3 images across). I am trying to use these images as links to anchors at the bottom of that same page. Is there any way to accomplish this?
I have tried inserting text into the image to the anchor, but from a design standpoint, it looks terrible because it interferes with the integrity of the image. I have tried inserting a layer over the image, making the text white and maneuvering it over an empty spot over the image. The "link to anchor"…1 vote
- Don't see your idea?