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4 results found
Receipts that show last 4 digits of the credit card
Institutions vary in the documentation that they will accept for reimbursing payments - some will accept anything marked Receipt or Paid in Full, but others want to see the details of which credit card was used. As a result, I am interested in modifying our receipts so that the credit card type and last 4 digits of the number can be seen.
For example:
$20.00 charged to VISA XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-1234Is this possible?
32 votesPrefilling the last 4 digits of the Credit card for online transactions is currently being implemented.
For manual transactions you'll be able to add these details manually.
option to "not renew"
This might seem obvious, but is there a way for a member to choose to not renew their membership, archive themselves and thus stop the renewal reminder emails?
Each year about a third of our organization ages out but we don't know in advance who they are so we can't proactively archive them on the admin side. They get annoyed when the first renewal reminder emails start showing up, and their first reaction is to bombard the membership chairperson with requests to be removed from the email list. It's a pain.
It this isn't possible, do you have a suggested…
115 votesWe started working on providing members ability to stop their own membership. Stay tuned for updates!
credit card fees to be paid by members
Our members love being able to pay their membership dues by credit card. However, our biggest gripe with the payment systems that apricot supports is that there doesn't appear to be a way to give the credit card processing fee to the member, rather than our company. Since our membership costs are very high ($36,750), these small (~ 3.5%) fees really cost us a lot of money ($1,286.25), and it would be very helpful if we could pass these fees back on to the member.
For example, if there was a way to allow members to manually enter in the…
129 votesMany thanks for your comments and feedback in this thread - it was super helpful for us in analysis and design of the feature.
I'm happy to announce that we're working on adding donations to compensate payment processing fees. This feature will be released later this year.Some design decisions I wanted to speak out explicitly:
1. We decided to proceed with optional donations to compensate credit card processing fees as opposed to surcharges/convenience fee.
Main reasons for this is that there are too many regulations around mandatory charges to compensate fees: it's illegal in some countries/states, there are caps on how much you could charge, etc. To avoid all of this legal complications we decided to suggest members to opt-in to compensate processing fees, as opposed to make them obligatory.
All these transactions will be recorded as donations in WA and can be later used for tax deduction.2. You…
Customization of Email sent during Membership Level Change workflow
When a member changes there level, the system automatically sends them an email. Since there is an option to choose "manual payment", we need to be able to add our physical address to the email.
36 votesWe're currently working on customizing level change emails.
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