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412 results found
new membership application force payment
With event registrations, I can force an online payment with a 15-minute countdown. Why can't this functionality happen with a new membership or membership renewal
1 vote -
Allow member to remove themselves from a waitlist
Members have asked how to remove themselves from the waitlist if they have made other plans and can no longer attend.
1 vote -
Member app. Add an ability to register guests.
There is no way to register guests for event in the mobile app for members.
30 votesBoth Android and iOS applications were updated with the latest release.
Now your members can register guests using the Member app.
Please, remind members to update the app to access all the latest features and improvements. With every release, we also fix known issues and improve application stability and performance.
Thanks again for your votes and feedback!
Prevent members to change their first AND last names
How to prevent members from changing their names (first and last name)? Through "Contacts" we can make the field admin access only to prevent the user from entering their own names. However, this will make the name fields internal fields that can only be seen or edited by an administrator. I prefer members to see their names. When they change their names without administrators' knowledge is a big No-No! Because we have a testing system with first and last names that must be matched.
In addition, I had to set up "Current and Formerly Name (First AND Last Name)" manually…
2 votesFixed in 8.7 release
Updating AllowedValues in a dropdown contact field, erases any existing data for the contact field
I've documented the issue pretty well on another community: https://community.make.com/t/using-the-wildapricot-update-contactfields-api-call-to-update-pick-list-erases-data/26286?u=alex.newpath
I thought this may have been a Make issue, but I validated this in Postman:
- Using the /accounts/{accountId}/contactfields/{contactFieldId} endpoint, I assume that when updating a dropdown list I can ADD new picklist values to the existing picklist.
- In reality the AllowedValues array I sent in a PUT to this endpoint REPLACES the existing fields and reassigns the IDs and Values for any existing picklist item in the dropdown and assigns new IDs and new values for new picklist items added in the call.
- Any contact data that has used this…
1 voteHello!
This issue has been fixed in the new release (8.7).
Send order status to PayPal
PayPal is starting to get tough on users (sellers) which do not provide tracking information and/or order status - resulting in monthly limits on how much can be transferred out of PayPal without a 21 day hold being applied. Is there a way for Wild Apricot to send an "Order Completed" message to PayPal for payments - I think store purchases could be excluded. PayPal do not get the idea that a membership "order" is completed instantly.
1 voteWe have reviewed this request with PayPal and I have a following update:
1. There's no way to set purchase completed via API in PayPal
2. Any account holds set by PayPal are not directly related to incomplete orders. Each case should be resolved with PayPal individually.
Numeric custom fields cannot be updated with API
We are updating all of our member custom fields using a php webhook function. We have wanted to try using the new numeric type field for tracking a custom amt number for each member. We can set it up and use it in the WildApricot admin panels, but when we try to update it using our api webhook it does not work. We get a 200 return code, but the field does not get updated. Is this a known bug? Is there a scheduled release to fix this? Is there a workaround?
The function payload data looks something like this:…
2 votes -
Allow Renewal Date to be set based on the current Renewal Date, i.e., 1 year/1 term later
The system is currently set up to allow for the renewal date to be set based on the Join Date or Specific Date, but, oddly, neither of those options allows the renewal of, say, a 1-year membership, to be 1 year from the existing renewal date unless a member happens to renew on the actual renewal date. Most membership/subscription systems don't work like this. If someone renews a membership that expires on, say, 16 October 2023, and does so, say, on 1 October 2023, responding to a renewal notice, the expectation is that the new renewal date will be 16…
3 votes -
Add system status to Admin Dashboard
If there is a known outage, WA should have a section in the account admin dashboard where it alerts admins of known issues. IE - this week there was an email send outage/issue... if you had posted this in admin dashboard, the admins can see that this is being addressed and not spend needless time trying to figure out why their emails are not sending.
33 votesWe added Service notices to Dashboard as part of 8.2 release https://gethelp.wildapricot.com/en/articles/1955-version-8-2-0-release
Insert predefined list of US states as abbreviations
Your pre-defined list of states should default to the two letter state abbreviations, not the fully spelled out state name. Mailing systems use the two letter code. This is the third WA implementation I've done and each time I had to create my own list.
List of state codes is attached for your convenience.7 votesHappy to say that list of US states/ Canadian provinces as abbreviations were added to custom fields in WildApricot with release 8.7
Make guest registration required
A way to make guest registration required
4 votesMaking guest registration required is added as part of 8.13 release. More details here: https://gethelp.wildapricot.com/en/articles/2883-version-8-13-0-release
Making the web store more usable
Our PTO has a spirit rock that we have families sign up to paint every year. We would love to be able to run this through our web store, but because you only allow a max of 10 option value per variant, we can't. This forces us to use a completely different website to allow families to reserve their date. If you would allow up to 25, that would solve the issue. Such a easy fix would be so helpful.
1 voteGood news out there!
We have increased number of options for each store products to 25.
This was done in recent 7.21 website app release: https://gethelp.wildapricot.com/en/articles/1827-version-7-21-release
adding events to external calendar from email
When I send event emails and invitations I want to give people the option to add the event to their own calendar. The instructions in HELP say to append the event URL with "/export."
However, this doesn't seem to work. First of all, when I append the /export to the event URL in the body of my email, the whole URL is not clickable as one single URL. When I click on the "export" part of it, it does allow me to download a .ics file, but that is not my calendar application - I use Google calendar. Others use…
4 votesThe issue was fixed in the 7.23 version.
Enhance Webhooks with Data Values (Names, Titles, Dates)
The Wild Apricot Integration -> Webhooks feature is great but extremely limited. If you are trying to post #announcements into a Slack or Discord channel for example, you are only able to send the ID number of a Contact, Event or Invoice. There is no way to announce something like "John Doe has just become a member!" or "Jim posted 'Holiday Party Planning Meeting' on December 1st". The output of the webhook key/value pairs are only useful if you have a copy of all the data in the other system and can simply issues updates to existing records (Contact 123…
2 votesWe try to keep webhook content as simple as possible. The recommendation is to use identifiers from webhook and request more information from Public API.
List most recent updated items on the dashboard
For website with multiple administrators, it would be good to be able to see on the dashboard a list of the most recently updated items (last five). These could be listed on the right hand side of the current list of the longest time since last updated (last 5).
1 voteRelease in 8.0 with new Dashboards
Google calendar integration
Allow events to be added to a user's Google calendar as well as ICS compatible calendars like Outlook.
3 votesPublished in 7.14 browser app https://gethelp.wildapricot.com/en/articles/1733-version-714-release
Zapier integration
Integrations with Zapier, please.
6 votesZapier integration has been released. Please check the links below.
Zapier app: https://zapier.com/apps/wildapricot/integrations
Help article: https://gethelp.wildapricot.com/en/articles/1953-zapier-integrations
Thank you for your support! Please, continue to share your feedback with us.
linking store transactions to contacts
Please consider linking 'store' transactions to contacts. New customers would be valuable additions to Contacts and it would be helpful to have a record of money spent on our organization/non profit
1 voteEach time a new customer makes a purchase, the system adds him as a contact.
Non-URLQuery token option for webhooks.
The Webhook's authorization settings are fairly limiting and leave a lot to be desired. The existing token system only allows for a urlquery based token auth and despite having a field for a name doesn't allow you to change the key for said query. At least as far as I can tell. Having an option for an authorization header, the ability to change the key in a query auth, and more authorization schemes, in general, would be beneficial for increasing integration on various 3rd party applications
3 votesYou can use “Basic” authentication scheme. It will send username and password in Authorization header.
1 vote
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