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94 results found
Block specific emails for creating contacts
We recently had a public event and a non member registered and paid to attend. They wanted their money back since they could not attend. Our policy is no refunds and clearly states this on our event. Well they decided to claim fraud with their credit card company. Which was not true since they were mad they could not get their money back. Would like to be able to block them from registering for any events. Seems simple to block emails, why can't WA have this function?
4 votes -
Searching Contacts - Return/Enter key
Please allow users to press "return" or "enter" after typing a search term in the Simple Search function of Contacts.
When searching contacts, most people in my organization find it to be an act of muscle memory to use the Return/Enter key after typing what we are searching for. For instance, if we are searching for John Smith, we will generally type "Smith" and then press return. However, pressing return brings you to the place where you enter a new contact, regardless of what we typed into the search field before pressing return.
Although we realize that we should…
3 votes -
bundle search for members contact list, member list and archieve list
I would like to search for a name in all places at one time. For example, I want to find a member under contact/member or archive at the same time instead of clicking and entering three times.
1 vote -
Email History with Percent Emails Opened
We are in need of knowing who doesn’t open emails in order to update/clean our contact list.
It would be beneficial to be able to search by percentages opened in the last year.
The option less than or greater than, with being able to add the percentage would be helpful.9 votes -
Child fields
I have a multiple choice field called Group Participation with about 20 possible values. For each value I want to be able to assign a corresponding status field of active member or waiting member. How do I do this in WA?
2 votes -
Featured Contact widget
Create a widget just like the Featured Member widget, but for contacts. When we do events, it would be nice to have a way to create a page of Keynote and/or Featured Speakers that pulls their photo, etc. into the page like this member widget. Not all speakers are members, so we currently have to do this manually since they only need to become Contacts to register in the system.
1 vote -
Make strong passwords optional
Our members are leaving since the new password requirements have become a pain. We are a club with mostly 65+ year old members (over 200) and it took 6 years to have them except using emails for club membership. They have arthritis, poor eye vision and have trouble remembering what they had for breakfast. I send out a monthly newsletter and now people are asking for help constantly. They cannot open the monthly news without being prompted for a new password and they don't know it or what a 12 digit with special characters means. We really need our old…
46 votes -
Contact & Membership Fields Access Preferences
Would like to see the option to choose which contact fields show based on contact type or membership level selected at application. We have all of our fields under contact since there isn't a way to see everything if a membership level isn't assigned. Not all of our records are members but not all of the information asked of the applies. Ex/ physician vs. non-physician
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Make field type limitations modifiable
I need to create registration form but the multiple choice field character limit is making it an issue. This is a terms and conditions, but we don't want to have it in a separate pdf/link - it just needs to be there for the purchaser to acknowledge. When Itried to the rules and terms only the "field instructions" had more space, but that wouldn't make sense with this.
2 votes -
Add a field-level attribute that prevents duplicate field entry
Add a new attribute – something like “Enforce Uniqueness” – to the Common Fields setup window. It can be grouped under the Options heading just underneath the Required Field attribute. Users can tick mark the box or leave it unchecked. Then add some type of downstream verification check, ideally at the Dropdown List Level: When the user clicks into a field’s drop down list, check to see if Enforce Uniqueness is selected on that field. If Yes, compare the user’s selection from that list to the existing values for that field in the database. If there is a match (i.e.,…
3 votes -
Add additional fields to contact/save search
Allow contacts to be searched by donation field/fund so that search may be saved in order to email donors on the status of the campaign.
Right now, the solution is to export the list, create a field in WA, add that field to the downloaded spreadsheet and populate it, upload the data, run the search, save it, then send the email. Each subsequent donor has to be added manually by populating that field in their profile or, if there are several, performing the entire download/upload/search process again.
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Verify Information Timer
There should be an option at the contact level to ask for verification of the contact information every X days. Google does it. Yahoo does it. Facebook does it. When the user logs in the next time, it would take them to the contact information page and prompt them to "It has been a while since we've verified this information. Is this all still correct?"
2 votes -
Select information to display at contact profile system page
On the contact profile page (system page), there is a widget called "contact profile". You cannot hide any of the information in that widget, change of of the wording, etc. Some of it can be confusing to the members. For example, the "member since" has the date that the contact/membership was created in WildApricot. We have members that go back 50+ years. Sure, I could go and update that field, but the "member since" is not a meaningful data element to us. However, I cannot get rid of it.
Also, the word "bundle" is not really what we call it.…
3 votes -
adding a new entry to a drop-down list
With drop-down lists, users can choose from the list of choices presented but cannot write in an entry of their own. Please add the ability for a user to add a new entry to the list. For example, if a drop-down list in the field "Member Type" already has "Professor, Postdoc Fellow, Graduate Student, Senior Researcher, Lecturer" and the user doesn't see an appropriate choice, he/she can do an ad-hoc entry, say "Independent Researcher".
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saved search filter
Allow a way to organize or filter saved searches including listing the last time it was run. Additional coolness would be to allow scheduling the saved search to email the results of the search.
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contact full name
Include suffix in the contact full name.
1 vote -
Sorting archived contacts
Can we sort archived contacts by date archived. This will make compliance with GDPR much easier.
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Contacts Advanced Search by specific balance
There is a specific request for one additional field: https://forums.wildapricot.com/forums/308932-wishlist/suggestions/31910419-advanced-search-field-needed-latest-registration. However, admins should be able to use any of the internal fields, and not just the UI fields, as advanced search criteria. In our case, we need to build mailing lists of members with specific open balances, but {ContactBalanceAmount} is not available in Advanced Search. Furthermore, it would be nice to distinguish between members with open credit (payment) balances, those with open debit (invoice) balances and those with open net balances. Presumably, {ContactBalanceAmount} shows the open net balance.
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Export all import errors
Want to ability to export the full list of errors after importing data so we could work with large number of errors easily
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common fields Member access in application only
There you be the option for each common field in the contacts to allow edit only during the application.
3 votes
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