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411 results found
Registrant to view and change his event registrations
Current features:
Once registered, a person can not change anything (i.e. cancel/edit details) about their registration, this can only be done by the administratorDesired behavior:
Registrants should have the ability to view and edit their own event registration(s)389 votesHello, dear supporters!
We’re happy to announce that now your registrants can view and cancel registrations.
This suggestion has accumulated many votes and comments. As usual, we started with the main needs and some of your requests are not covered in this release.
What released:
- All registrants now can view all their event registrations in one place. There is new tab ’My registrations’ in the profile.
- You, as administrator, can allow them to cancel their registrations and specify cut-off date if required.
- We added new email – Event registration cancelled. This message is sent when a registration was cancelled, either by an administrator or by the registrant.
What is not covered yet:
- Managing late event cancellation (cancellation fee) – https://forums.wildapricot.com/forums/308932/suggestions/8826904
- Adding guests later or changing existing ones – https://forums.wildapricot.com/forums/308932/suggestions/8827063
- Changing registration details https://forums.wildapricot.com/forums/308932/suggestions/32407099
Check our help page for more information about these changes and others, that we added in this…
Polls – for collecting member feedback and voting (e.g. elections)
Current situation
Polls are not supported, an external tool must be used (e.g. wufoo.com)Desired
The ability to create polls that can be sent to members385 votesHello, dear supporters!
We’re happy to announce that now the Polls feature is available for all our clients.Thanks for participating in beta-testing, valuable comments, kind words and positive feedback!
We already created several threads based on your comments (more than 10!), you can find them by “poll” keyword: https://forums.wildapricot.com/forums/308932-wishlist?query=poll
Have a great day!
CMS crew @ Wild Apricot -
Generating membership cards and certificates
Current behavior:
Membership certificates/cards can be produced by running a search, exporting records and using something like MS Word mail mergeDesired behavior:
Ability to directly setup in the system layout and fields for membership certificates/cards and then to print them using common label formats.Notes:
Details about specific desired formats/layouts/label sizes would be appreciated.
378 votesHello, dear supporters!
This suggestion has accumulated many votes over years and is one of top 3 in “Members” category. We’re happy to announce that the Membership Card is now ready for your use! Some of you already participated in beta-testing of this feature and using it already. We really appreciate your participation, time and feedback.As all big threads, this one contains several suggestions. Some of them are covered in the release, some are not. Let’s jump into it.
What released: Members can download and print membership cards using the design you create with the templates provided. Once you design and publish your card, members can view, download, and print their cards from their member profiles.
What is not covered yet:
- Membership certificates https://forums.wildapricot.com/forums/308932/suggestions/8825803
- Certificates for attendees https://forums.wildapricot.com/forums/308932/suggestions/19171474
- Ability to put Barcodes or QR codes on the card. We are conducting technical analysis of this update. https://forums.wildapricot.com/forums/308932/suggestions/31925269
-… -
Text (SMS) communications with attendees, members, etc.
I did not see this on the wishlist in the list of 339, unless i missed it :).
SMS (text) notication option would be great to have as alot of our members use texting on their phones. Email works good too but push text woould be great to have as an option for communication. Thanks.
374 votesText messaging service is available in the Communication center for US and Canadian customers.
Scheduled E-mail Blasts
Current features:
Emails need to be sent manually or scheduled with events reminders or membership renewal notifications.Desired feature:
Have the ability to schedule any email to be sent a specific time.349 votesHello, dear supporters!
We’re happy to announce that the scheduling feature is now ready for your use!
In this thread there are several suggestions related to this feature. Some of them are covered in this release, some are not. Let’s jump into it.What is covered:
- Set up an email in advance to go to X list (or single member) on X date at X timeWhat is partially covered:
- Scheduling a blast after an event has occurred
Simply schedule a manual email blast to the saved list of an event’s attendees after the day of the meeting
- See the schedule of outgoing emails
Emails tab (former Drafts) now has a new filter. If you sort the list to view scheduled emails only, then you’ll see them arranged by the delivery date&time. Thus you can check the order of scheduled emailsWhat is not yet covered:
-… -
Membership Trends Reporting
Retaining your membership is important to your organization. While Wild Apricot gives you the ability to do automatic renewals and send out reminders for non-automatic renewals, some have suggested that it would be handy to be able to report on this.
Create the ability for administrators to be able to run reports on renewal rates for members.The important thing for this is that we identify what information should be in the reports. At first blush, I can imagine:
* In a year, how many renewals were done before the renewal date, on the renewal date, and then certain…323 votesMembership trends report is available now. You can compare how your membership base changes over time and how it affects the organization’s revenue.
Historical data is available from the beginning of 2020.
See this help article for details https://gethelp.wildapricot.com/en/articles/1718
More reports will follow.
For any changes in reporting, please create a separate topic.
RSVP - Simplified event registration
Current behavior:
Registration requires filling out online registration form.Desired behavior:
In some cases this is an overkill and what is desired is Evite-style registration when people can simply click on the link in the event and be done with it.Notes:
1) This would only work for people already in the database
2) This would only apply to free events
3) If there are multiple registration types - assign one as default? Force people to choose online?
4) Highly desirable - negative RSVP - when people say they can not attend.306 votesHello, dear supporters!
This suggestion has accumulated many votes over years and is one of the top 3 in “Events” category. We’re happy to announce that the RSVP (we called them Simple events) is now ready for your use!
As all big features, this one contains several suggestions. Some of them are covered in this release, some are not.What released: Admin can create the Simple event that requires only RSVP from registrants – one-click registration with Yes, Maybe, or No answer.
The simple event is very simple now :) Free registrations only, doesn’t allow for guests, registration limits and sessions. Some of these options are still important for you and required, so we will continue to improve our RSVP feature.Check our help page for more details https://help.wildapricot.com/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=84705294
We hope you’ll like it. Please leave your feedback any time by email, by using in-product feedback form and use our Wishlist… -
Mapping location of members
For trade associations, it would be great for companies to be able to indicate where they are located, so everyone can search for local companies.
then to sort and map companies by their indicated locations, would be phenomenal.
299 votesHappy to announce that ‘Members location mapping’ feature is released for all our clients in version 6.11.
Now, with our new gadget, you can display an interactive map that shows where your members are located, and displays information about each member.We highly recommend reading the setup instruction: https://gethelp.wildapricot.com/en/articles/1601
More about version 6.11:
https://gethelp.wildapricot.com/en/articles/1647 -
Allow members and/or conference registrants to upload file attachments - like abstract submission
Our academic society would find it extremely useful if members -- or better yet, conference registrants -- could upload files (e.g., Word docs, PDFs). This would allow presenters at the conference to share papers prior to the conference, potentially enhancing the feedback that they would get from other conference-goers. We would really like to provide this service for our members/conference attendees.
296 votesDear supporters,
With the new release 6.18 version, we added the ability to create File attachments field for Common and Membership forms.
So now, you can collect documents/images from your members, subscribers, registrants. Members can share their documents with others via Public profile. You can upload files and download files right in contact, member or registration details.If you have any ideas, requests how we can improve this new functionality, please share it with us.
More about this and other updates in our release notes: https://gethelp.wildapricot.com/en/articles/1665
Thank you for your support and have a good day!
Katya Tyukina,
Product Owner @ Wild Apricot by Personify -
Online store
Current features:
Items can only be sold if they are part of a membership application, event registration, manual invoice or donation.Desired features:
Create a store of items that can be purchased individually or collectively (e.g. shopping cart)285 votesHi supporters,
Today the Wild Apricot online store functionality was enabled for all paid accounts. We did our best to roll it out earlier than it was expected so you could try it out before the day of price increase.
Please fill out this survey to let us know what is missing in the initial version so we could define the followups:
https://goo.gl/forms/JYiRTVsPObCjFExn1Thanks for all the support and help during beta-test.
Best Regards,
Kate P
WA, Emailing development team -
Text editing
Several quirks in text editing need repair.
Enter adds 2 blank line:
Attempting to insert blank lines and paragraphs between existing paragraphs can create double blank lines or no paragraph separation at all.Keep selection after applying formatting:
If text is selected and formatting (font size, bold, color) applied, the selection should stay there until clicked somewhere else. As is, it goes away when the formatting is applied, so if you want to change a paragraph to, say, a smaller font, italics, and a color, you have to selected it three times.And many more
275 votesWith the latest release version 6.12, we published a batch of fixes in the editing component. There were more than 20 bugs fixed (based on our internal tracker). Most of them were related to text and links formatting, issues with line spacing, HTML editing and different behavior in the different browsers.
We are not going to stop on this and will continue to update the Editor component. On some issues, we are still working and they will be published in the following releases.
As always, your feedback is very important. Please share it with us. -
Classifieds gadget (i.e. Job Board )
Current behavior:
Blogs or forums are repurposed to serve as classified ads/job boards, however they have serious limitations that prohibit them from being suitable solutions.Desired behavior:
Self-service (e.g. searchable, browseable) classified ads system for members and visitors, with administration tools to moderate and manage entries/permissions.270 votesHi there!
With closing this thread I want to remind everybody that the Job Board product is available for all Wild Apricot customers with a paid subscription.
The application form is available on the 'Apps' page, in the main left menu.
Have a great day and happy new year!
Katya Tyukina, Product manager of Wild Apricot, by Personify
Restricted access to documents and images (member only files)
Current behavior:
If users have a direct link to a file, they will have the ability to download it (i.e. page permissions are not inherited by the files on those pages)Desired behavior:
Restrict folders and the files in those folders by membership/administrative/group level219 votesHi, supporters!
We are excited to announce the launch of the “Restricted access for folders” feature. It is currently available for use and we are closing the wishlist thread. Thank you for your patience and feedback that help us to make this feature most useful for you.
Here’s how it works:
- You now have the ability to set permissions on folders. All files and subfolders inside are automatically assigned the new access level.
- When a new file is uploaded into this folder or sub-folder, it is automatically assigned the same level of access.
- Within the restricted folder, the administrator is still able to change the access level for individual files and subfolders.
- The new functionality is also available in the Insert resource dialog. -
Mandatory payment for event registration: complete a registration only when a payment is received
I have two sites that I have just created and thought before hand (Prior to last update) that I tried the registration process. I recall being able to turn off manual or offline payments which in turn would only complete event registrations only if an online payment was received.
Now that I have built these two sites and see that "invoices" are being created and people are regsitering without paying online, it is creating a major problem and adding a tremendous burden on our businesses in multiple ways.
A bunch of our events have limited registration so when people register…
209 votesPublished in version 6.14 with the ability to enable/disable automatic cancellation.
More about changes and version 6.14 in our release notes – https://gethelp.wildapricot.com/en/articles/1652-version-614-release -
Sending text messages/reminders
The ability to send out a text message to your membership and/or contacts through the system. A push for members to renew, event reminders, the ability to include a link if they need to vote on a matter.
180 votesText messaging service is available in the Communication center for US and Canadian customers.
Export / Report poll results
Would like to see an option to export results to a spreadsheet (XLS or CSV).
176 votesHappy Monday!
We are glad to announce that exporting poll results feature has been released with the 7.20 version and now available for you.
See more about the 7.20 version https://gethelp.wildapricot.com/en/articles/1822-version-7-20-release
Thank you again for your votes and feedback!
Katya Tyukina, Product manager of Wild Apricot by Personify
175 votes
We just published members app for Android.
Find it on Google Play: https://goo.gl/YcjLy7
on AppStore: https://goo.gl/1pq7cxJust to remind – before your members could start using it, you have to configure the app for your account. Here is a help article: https://gethelp.wildapricot.com/en/articles/1645-mobile-app-settings
If you have any suggestions, please add it as a separate topics.
New admin role: Communications (i.e. sending emails)
Current features:
There is no role specific to communications.Desired features:
An admin role that has limited access to everything except the tools/lists required to send emails and other communications.171 votesNewsletter manager role was added in the 7.3 system update. See for details gethelp.wildapricot.com/en/articles/1688
Integration with QuickBooks Online
1) Integration with QuickBooks. Need to be able to download monthly in a way that recognizes existing customers and allows me to code transactions in WA according to my QB Chart of Accounts.
For financial data from Wild Apricot to be useful to Parent Booster USA, I have to be able to download an arbitrary number of transactions, e.g., all transactiuons in a month, for all members, them load those transactions into QuickBooks so that the download adds new transactions to the exisitng customer accounts. Downloads that create new customers each month aren't helpful. Beyond that, I'd like to be…
170 votesGood news out there!
We have released dedicated QuickBooks Online invoice export that will allow you to keep your accounting up-to-date.
I’m closing this particular idea. If you need more feature-rich integration – feel free to launch another thread and elaborate your scenarios.
More details in release notes: https://gethelp.wildapricot.com/en/articles/1827-version-7-21-release
Mobile app for members - register for events, search directory
Current situation:
Our mobile app is only accessible to administrators of an organization.Desired situation:
Have a native app (apple + android) that useful for members (e.g. register for events, view directory, edit profile, etc)162 votesMobile app for members is available now. See help page for details: https://help.wildapricot.com/display/DOC/Wild+Apricot+member+app
Please, don’t add feature requests here in comments. It is better to create separate topics so other people could vote for them.
- Don't see your idea?