Printing Membership cards in bulk
Membership cards are great and I like that members can print their own. I would like to see a feature where the administrator can print all member cards in bulk to card stock like Avery so we can laminate the cards for appearance.

Chris G commented
This feature request should be combined with this one:
Barb Stroud commented
We are particularly interested in being able to print out event participants' nametags.
Anonymous commented
need to print to Avery templates, like card stock for lamination!!
Anonymous commented
It would be very helpful to be able to bulk print membership cards that are generated in your system. We sign up about 300 memberships per season with around 1,000 total members, and usually we provide the membership cards for them. It is going to be impossible for us to go into each member profile and print their membership card, and it will probably be an annoyance to our membership to have to print their own cards.
E Watson commented
I would like to print our membership cards on standard PVC cards using a ID card printer.
Percy commented
I’m a little surprised this hasn’t been implemented yet. The cards functionality is greatly limited without the ability to easily print in bulk to an Avery template or something similar. We run a non-profit Society and want to print membership cards for our AGM.
Drew Robinson commented
My Membership is 1500+ members, we use a CR-80 Plastic Printer (Evolis) to print cards, As it is i can Print the "Mobile friendly" membership cards 1 at a time on our printer, I would love the ability to print batches or multiple cards at a time.
Mary Guttieri commented
The need to go to multi-label cardstock and to enable admins to print for members is tremendous- without these features, the card feature is relatively useless. This should be a priority and, frankly, should not be so difficult to execute.
Steve commented
yes this would be huge. Printing all cards in bulk and certificates.
Brett Jardine commented
In line with the ability to produce a membership card, has WA considered taking this a step further to be able to produce a Membership Certificate? We are keen to see this for Organisations that are members so when they renew, a PDF of their Membership Certificate is automatically sent (A4/letter size) that they can print themselves and insert into a frame for display on their premises.
Bruce Brigham commented
Bulk printing membership cards would be a great tool for us as well.
Tammy commented
It would be very helpful to our org if we (the admins) could print membership cards and laminate them (say business card size) as a welcome to our org. It is isn't beneficial at all for our members to print their own cards. For individual events, it would be great for admins to be able to print nametags for the registrants.
Michael Briskie commented
I am trying to print out membership cards to Avery card stock and just realized that's impossible. Instead I have to print a whole piece of paper and cut out a card that is then just on regular printer paper. I should be able to print multiple cards on a sheet and print to thicker card stock so I can include the cards in my welcome packet.
Jon Kohl commented
Just to be clear since no one mentioned it specifically, bulk printing would be for all or some portion of members based on some kind of filter options such as new members or members who have signed up for an event.
Anonymous commented
Being able to print name tags for our major event would be a time saving addition.
John Schroeder commented
The back of our our Membership Cards display our affiliation with a regional Ski Club. That affiliation offers members discounts on lift tickets and more. So we must 'print' our cards, front and back. It would be great if you could print all cards onto standard perforated business card stationary such as from Avery. Then we could print the Council logo on the back and distribute them at our meetings and , as a last resort, by mail. I know, kind of old fashioned. But that is what we have to do to allow our members to take advantage of these discounts.
Heidi commented
Having the Admin able to print membership cards would be helpful and add a wonderful touch to our membership welcome package.
HLAADV commented
This feature would be very helpful.
Ronlap commented
Even better, what if they could be printed on Avery templates, like card stock or stickers.
Sue Donlon commented
Being able to print the membership cards in bulk would be a wonderful enhancement! We are also a Homeowners Association and have challenges with 55+ members as Lee Anne points out in her comments.
Our plan was to provide laminated membership cards to our members at the Annual Meeting this year so the sooner we can get this functionality the better.
No one wants to print a whole piece of paper and then cut out a flimsy paper membership card......tacky at best.