Team Membership
My feedback
54 results found
115 votes
We started working on providing members ability to stop their own membership. Stay tuned for updates!
An error occurred while saving the comment An error occurred while saving the comment Team Membership commented
Is it about cancelling the membership, stop renewing or completely leaving association or club? Like 'I want to delete my profile'.
Katya, Astra crew
Membership management @ Wild Apricot -
5 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Team Membership commented
Thank you for the suggestion.
Currently waiting for more comments/suggestions/votes, before we can act on this request. -
1 vote
An error occurred while saving the comment Team Membership commented
Robert, I think that you can create the 'Radio button with extra charge' field and include it in the membership renewal form only. So, your members during renewal process could choose between options.
See this help page
Does it work for you?Katya,
Astra crew @ Wild Apricot -
3 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Team Membership commented
Thank you for the suggestion.
Currently waiting for more comments/suggestions/votes from others.Katya,
Astra crew @ Wild Apricot -
24 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Team Membership commented
Thanks for feedback. We agree that this is not the best solution and right now we are working on the better option for setting up the password for the new contact.
If you don't want to send password as plain text in the email, just remove the {Contact_Password} macro from the Password email content and include the Password Reset URL macro instead.
Katya, Astra crew
Membership management @ Wild Apricot -
11 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Team Membership commented
You can use Featured member gadget for this. Create the search that selects latest new members, and use it in gadget settings. See our help page
Does it work for you?Katya, Astra crew @ Wild Apricot
7 votes
Team Membership responded
For those who search, there is an article about Silent Auctions in our Academy:
Katya Tyukina
Astra crew @ Wild Apricot -
49 votes
Team Mobile responded
Now it is possible to open member card from personal profile screen in mobile app for members.
Team Membership shared this idea ·
70 votes
Dmitry Smirnov responded
How are you going to use QR codes on membership cards? Do you expect some additional functionality in WA, which will be able to read and process these codes?
An error occurred while saving the comment Team Membership commented
Andrew, thanks for sharing. Glad that you liked it.
Right now, we are analyzing ability to include QR codes on the Membership card. I'm sure that these are very similar requests.
Now I can not provide you with any specific release date. But we will definitely share updates.Katya, Astra crew
1 vote
An error occurred while saving the comment Team Membership commented
Daniel, thanks for the suggestion.
Sounds great. Actually, this search pattern could be applied in any place of the system.Katya, Astra crew
Membership management @ Wild Apricot -
4 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Team Membership commented
Leoni, could you clarify why you need to disable this option for bundle administrator?
Are they already have bundle members or they are alone? Is this the temporary situation or not?Looks like you can use Lapsed status as a workaround. In this state, Bundle administrator can't add new bundle members. Or, if he/she is alone, use individual membership level.
Katya, Astra crew
Membership management @ Wild Apricot -
7 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Team Membership commented
Thanks for the suggestion.
Could you elaborate more? How do you then process this pdf file and the printed member details?
Katya, Astra crew
Membership management @ Wild Apricot -
6 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Team Membership commented
Debbie, thanks for the suggestion.
Could you clarify your case a little bit? When you say 'remove a person', is it about suspending membership or something else?
Katya, Astra crew
Membership management @ Wild Apricot -
4 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Team Membership commented
Paul, could you elaborate what kind of messages?
Katya, Astra crew
Membership management @ WIld Apricot -
4 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Team Membership commented
Pamela, sorry for the delay with answer.
As workarounds for 'Contact us' function creation I can suggest the following:
* You can insert the link 'Notify us about changes' right to the 'Contact profile' system page. The link can be displayed as text or as a button. The Member profile page is not public, so the link will not be used by spammers.
* Also, we have an instruction how to organize Contact us form on the site is thread on our forum about 'Contact us' function – Please vote and add your comments there.And as I already commented before, the recipient information must be presented on the form. We will try to fix this issue and add such information to the form.
Katya, Astra crew
Membership management @ Wild ApricotAn error occurred while saving the comment Team Membership commented
Rollie, thanks for your request.
The Send message function is available from Member's Public profile. But still, agree that it's confusing to see it on the own profile page. The only situation where it might be necessary is to check how the sending of a message works - send it to yourself.
And of course, the information about who will receive this message must be presented on the form. Now, it is not obvious.
Katya, Astra crew
Membership management @ Wild Apricot -
6 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Team Membership commented
Thomas, thanks for sharing.
Absolutely agree with your comment about the discount field, thanks for noticing this.
For many organizations, the renewal process is a good chance to update profile and collect new or special data from members. But if this is not required the process could look simpler than now.
Katya, Astra crew
Membership management features @ Wild Apricot -
208 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Team Membership commented
As I understand, you meant membership registration, am I right?
Now, it is impossible to create several members with the same email, for example from one family, and this is an issue.If so, it could be part of this request
Katya, Astra crew
Membership management features @ Wild ApricotTeam Membership supported this idea ·
49 votes
56 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Team Membership commented
Walt, agree with you. Bothe threads are about creating bundle or family during application.
Katya, Astra crew
An error occurred while saving the comment Team Membership commented
Hi John, good point. Thank you for sharing this.
I have a question about your meaning of editing profile. Do you mean just edit information (like Name, Phone) or add family/bundle members to their profile?
Would appreciate comments from other users. What do you think if pending members will be able to edit their profiles and add bundle members?
Looks that both restrictions are unnecessary.
Membership management features @ Wild Apricot -
13 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Team Membership commented
Let me rephrase, for clarification. The system generates renewal invoice for next membership period automatically. If the member didn't pay it and missed the whole period, the system generates the new invoice again, for the new period. And continue to do this each period. So, when the member decides to pay his membership, he/she has to pay all renewal invoices, for all past periods. Right?
Katya, Astra crew
Membership features @ Wild Apricot
Thanks, Jami
We are considering several options, archiving or deleting (it must be required, by GDPR law, for example). This could be configured by admin.
And it's a good idea and good practice to notify admin about such actions and even more - ask members why they are leaving and include this feedback into notifications.