QR / Barcodes on the Membership Card
I've just had a look at the membership cards facility. Great development. But I currently print membership badges with the UserID formatted as a barcode (code39). Members are scanned in to meetings with a barcode zapper (the number goes straight into a spreadsheet). Saves the queue at the door.
So I need the card editor to allow a barcode font - what's the chance?

How are you going to use QR codes on membership cards? Do you expect some additional functionality in WA, which will be able to read and process these codes?
Jessica Jones commented
Are there any updates on this? I would like to add a QR or barcode on membership IDs. Members could print the IDs and the codes could be scanned.
Angel Abuin commented
Barcode for membership numbers so we can scan entry easier
Anonymous commented
Include a scan code, unique to each member, on each member card that can be used for members to "check-in/sign-in" to our clubhouse or events that our organization puts on. Right now, we have members manually signing in. It would be incredible to have this scan feature on member cards!
Alex Sirota commented
Next Friday -- you can see a way to insert a QR Code into a membership card. It's a hack but it totally works - https://www.newpathconsulting.com/2020/01/cheat-sheet-9-adding-a-qr-code-to-a-wild-apricot-membership-card.html
Treva commented
Hello Dmitry,
Our private community beaches are for members only. We need a QR or barcode on the membership card that will allow our teen beach checkers to scan the member card/number and display pertinent member info, clearly, on a smartphone.
Pertinent info includes the member name and status and the names of persons in their household (individually listed each year in member record fields) who are also permitted access to the beaches.
Pertinent info could also include tag numbers and permit numbers for each permitted vehicle, boat and trailer that are current for the calendar year for each household.
We want our WA admin to be able to select what information (membership fields) is viewable by the beach checkers. This view could change from year to year.
We don’t have a front desk or a laptop at the
beaches. The numerous beach checkers do not have Wild Apricot admin access.It would be helpful if we could generate reports by date/date range of which member household visited which beach on which date and provide totals for use of each beach. We can better justify and allocate staff and funding for beach improvements.
Chris Alcott commented
I would use them to integrate into a front-desk scanner application. We run a club and manage the membership from WA. Right now, I do the membership cards manually. I'd like to put a unique QR on each card so when we scan them at the front desk, we know who they are.
Katheryn commented
Would love to scan QR code off membership code to register them as attended event. Vs manually checking them off.
Front Desk commented
We are a community pool. Would love to use the QR or barcode on the membership card to scan the member number so that it would bring the membership record up on screen for the front desk. Currently we are using the search function, typing in the member name and having to click the record to verify the individual members under the record for entrance.
Anonymous commented
Good morning, Dmitry. I'm not the original poster, but would like to have the QR code on the membership card, too, for membership verification to third parties. We have strategic alliances with various business that give our members discounts for goods and services. Ideally, the QR code would be something they could easily scan to verify whether a member is in good standing. I envision it would take them to a simple, public verification page that would confirm the name, ID, and membership status.
Bill Brenner commented
I agree that we need QR codes with member Id information. Our tradeshow participants have been asking for this for years. A large part of our membership do not have business cards so suppliers have to get contact information from our members so that they can contact them after the tradeshow. They would love our name tags for the conference to have a QR code that they scan that would hold name, employer, email address and phone number. Now that you have QR codes in the system I would think it would be relatively easy to include this for members.
Barbara Mueller commented
I would love QR codes for members that would simplfy so much for us including what machines members can use. It looks like it s been two years since this has been talked about. Time for you Wild Apricot to meet this need.
Sebastian Ostolaza commented
For a workaround, we have tried QR Codes in place of the member's Avatar. This may work for small organizations but it's not very efficient.
We used a QR Code Generator and saved codes as images. Then added to a few profiles.A built in feature or a barcode font added to WA would be very helpful.
Treva commented
Now that QR Codes can be used for check-in at events, is it possible that we will see QR Codes for Member ID cards sometime soon? We need to identify members when they check-in at the beach and other private faciliities. Photo IDs are not the solution we need.
Stephen Metheringham commented
Ability to Scan either QR Code on membership card or generated from Events - to be scanned on arrival would be amazing
Cindy Parker commented
Our organization, SCCTM, would also love to have the ability to have QR bar codes added to membership cards/badges in order to scan attendees quickly into meetings and conferences. I hope that this is on the "wish list" for Wild Apricot.
No updates so far
Eric commented
Hello, Any update Katya?
Eric -
It would be great if you had a bar coded/app member card so that we could collect data on our member's habits. We are a social club with a pub. It would be helpful to know how uses the facility and when so we and judge how successful our free events are so that we could improve member services. We have some older members for whom an app only option is not feasible, so we would still need a hard copy card. Thanks!
Bruce Brigham commented
Our membership has the same need for our beach community to wand a bar-code/QRCode for the parking lot. thanks, I love the cards!
Internet Administrator commented
Similarly, having the ability to put bar codes on event registrations so we can scan at the door easily would be great, too