Contact us gadget - to send a message to site admins
Based on thread from our old general questions forum.
Currently there is no (easy) way to create a "contact us" page, where any visitor can submit some information to site administrators through a simple input form.
Suggestion: create a new gadget ("Contact us form"). Admin can add this gadget to any page (e.g. "Contact us" page) and setup up some parameters (like email to send submitted information to). The gadget will show basic textbox field wшер Send button. Clicking on the button will send content of the textbox to emails specified by admin on gadget settings.
Please, add your comments below if you're in favour of this idea. When we have enough comments, we will ad this into our Roadmap .

Dennis Parker commented
I would like to have a widget that allowed members to send questions, suggestions, ideas, etc. TO specific administrators.
Such a widget would allow configuring the "to" address and (optionally) "subject", as well as incorporate member data from the database such as Name, Email, and other fields as needed.While I can partially emulate this by using html forms, I cannot include information from the member database into the email, and asking members to supply information we already have is pretty lame.
lauraseaver commented
I wish Wild Apricot had a simple contact form. The work-around given is pretty ridiculous.
I wish wild apricot had a basic contact form built in.
Michelle Jones commented
I don't understand why there are gadgets for log in and member directory and other more complex gadgets but a basic Contact Us gadget (nearly every website has some version of a contact us form) is missing.
How is that possible?
Alex commented
Lack of this feature is a deal breaker. Our non-profit will continue to use for our public facing website purposes until this feature gets implemented.
S Kat Pullen commented
Seriously?? This has no contact form??
Mark Mueller commented
Yes, I'm yelling. It's absolutely ridiculous that this feature isn't already available. -
Nicholas Pfeifer commented
This functionality should be available and I'm confused why it isn't already. It seems like this could be easily added by making the system gadget used on the email member system page more flexible and making it usable on other pages.
John Dennis commented
I was very surprised when I went to add a "Contact us" gadget to a page, so discover that there wasn't such a gadget. Please make one available, ideally with some anti-spam functionality.
MIchael commented
Can you please add this functionality? It really would make such a difference.
Sven commented
This is extremely important to our organisation.
Please add this simple functionality soon. -
Marion H. commented
Yes, please add a 'Contact Us' or 'Feedback' form gadget. I think WA has been discussing this for a while. It is past due. Thank you.
Beverly Ehlbeck commented
We will not be sharing member information amongst members or enable sending messages but we definately do need a general feedback or contact us gadget for our website to allow non-members (or members) to contact the club executive. Ideally we would like this to have anti spam functionality built in.
Devora Weinapple commented
I just paid for a 2-yr subscription and discovered that you have a WORKAROUND for a simple contact form. That is kind of outrageous. WISHLIST: CONTACT FORM
Andrea Barnes commented
Has this still not been addressed? Is it true there is no ability to create a standard "Contact Us" form with fields in it? We're thinking about migrating a large site with lots of forms. Must find out what the deal is first. Any advice is appreciated.
Jamtin commented
Please!! This would make all the difference to our new site!
Glenn Koehler commented
I love this idea, I was just in the process of coming up with a contact form and then I saw this, at the moment an HTML form is all I can do which sends untracked data to an email address of my choosing, but this is not ideal.
I would prefer the data be stored in the CMS database, give the sender an option to opt into a news letter via their email And that we can assign anyone that sends from that contact form that isn't already in the membership database a group assignments of contact form group and no membership level. I'd like to see that feature as well or have that ability because that contact form would be a public contact form.
Secretary Treasurer commented
I agree. I need a contact us form for general information and a feedback form for members to submit safety issues and things to add to the website.
Michael Daly commented
I vote for this.
The Member Contact Form would only fill my needs it it could be made into a Bundle Contact Form. I need a Contact Us form to provide a visitor to our site with the ability to send information to all members of a given committee, or all members of our Board of Directors.
Mark Millsap commented
Contact Us gadget would be great. Would like to include a few fields in the gadget form. Once received, would be great to send one of a few canned response emails if the response email is appropriate to the Contact Us request.
We get some very very similar Contact Us requests i.e. Please tell us more about your makerspace or What are your Open House dates and times, etc., etc.
Thank you!