On Membership renewal system page, move renewal code box nearer to top
We have many custom member fields defined, and they are all displayed (for editing?) on the Membership renewal system page. Way, way, way down at the bottom is the box to enter a renewal discount code.
Our members never discover that box - it seems more natural that this be up nearer the top, before the "Your profile" section.
For that matter, we'd be happy to be able to remove the entire "Your profile" section completely from the Membership renewal page.

Club Administrator commented
We have the exact same issue. Our members are provided a discount code for renewal but unfortunately many of them never notice the discount code prompt located at the bottom of the member profile screen. The RENEW link is located at the top of the screen so they click on RENEW and then an invoice is generated but without their discount applied. Once the discount is created, their only option is to pay the invoice and then we have to manually process a refund. No one at Wild Apricot seems to feel this is an important issue to fix. It would be a minor code change to move the discount prompt to the top of the page so it would not be overlooked. Or as an option, do not display all of the member profile fields before displaying the renewal discount prompt. I am willing to pay someone to make this change because we spend a lot of time processing refunds.
Jerome Bautista commented
Just to add to this, when members renew, they will click on the pop up on the bottom right of the screen. Can we request that the discount code/field also appear in the screen that results from clicking on the pop up? It would make the user experience much friendlier IMO
Thomas, thanks for sharing.
Absolutely agree with your comment about the discount field, thanks for noticing this.
For many organizations, the renewal process is a good chance to update profile and collect new or special data from members. But if this is not required the process could look simpler than now.
Katya, Astra crew
Membership management features @ Wild Apricot