Club Administrator
My feedback
13 results found
6 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Club Administrator supported this idea ·
32 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Club Administrator commented
Please make this a priority to include on blogs. Any member who has EDIT authority to post a blog entry should be able to insert an image and also edit the html content for the blog which the site administrator can currently perform.
Club Administrator supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Club Administrator commented
Absolutely need the ability to allow members to attach or insert images in blog posts. You added the feature for Forum posts and I currently have my members send me their blog posts with images so I can manually create the blog entries for them. We use the blog feature for "news" updates.
10 votes
Club Administrator supported this idea ·
123 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Club Administrator commented
Robin, I appreciate your comment... I have already removed or archived all "contacts" and I do not retain contacts for email purposes only. This is not the first time I have brought this topic forward and Wild Apricot aka Personify chooses to ignore the request as "it is what it is". I initially chose Wild Apricot because the app was 1) easy to use, 2) inexpensive for a small organization and 3) fairly robust and provided an efficient method of managing events, membership renewals and member communications. However, increasing our annual payment from $1,320 to $2,280 for a subscription to Wild Apricot in order to support 500 members is not cost justifiable. I realize I can get a 10% discount for paying annually instead of monthly but from a cash flow perspective, I prefer to pay monthly. One thing I have noticed is that once Personify acquired Wild Apricot, the service level decreased and the quality of support and responsiveness is no where near as good as it used to me. Dimity Buterin, the founder of Wild Apricot was always willing to be flexible and even personally replied to support requests in less than 1 business day. Currently, when I submit a request for support I typically wait 2-3 days for a response. As I stated, Wild Apricot is a robust app, just way overpriced once an organization exceeds 500 contacts in my professional opinion.
Club Administrator supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Club Administrator commented
I 100% agree this is needed. I have been a Wild Apricot user since 2013 and we are just now nearing the 500 member (contacts) level. If I want to continue using Wild Apricot I will have to upgrade to the 2000 member level and increase my monthly payment by $80 per month. More than likely I will not even reach 1,000 members any time in the near future! What I need is a increase to 1,000 members and a reasonable increase would be from $110 per month that I am paying now to $150 per month.
An error occurred while saving the comment Club Administrator commented
Agree with these comments... the price increase from $70 to $90 was significant for only 500 members. Mandating a price increase of an additional $70 for a tier level that includes another 500 members is not cost justifiable . I expect to reach 500 members by year end 2018. The community plan at $90 per month for 750 members is something I can live with but if the monthly fee will increase to $160, I have a problem with that level of increase. I realize there is a discount if you pay for a year or two in advance but the club is not going pay $1632 in advance which is a 15% discount.
28 votes
Club Administrator shared this idea ·
19 votes
Club Administrator supported this idea ·
18 votes
Club Administrator supported this idea ·
34 votes
Club Administrator supported this idea ·
36 votes
Club Administrator supported this idea ·
379 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Club Administrator commented
I needed a contact us form on our website so I used and inserted the script on our website contact us page but it would be a great feature if Wild Apricot had the ability to create web forms that captured data and emailed the form results to an administrator.
Club Administrator supported this idea ·
53 votes
Club Administrator supported this idea ·
24 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Club Administrator commented
This is a very important feature.. For our website, non-members are not allowed to purchase products and if a non-member locates a product via a search engine or a current member shares the direct URL link to a product, then a non-member is allowed to purchase a product. The Wild Apricot system also creates a non-member account in the database. All products in the store need the option to be restricted by membership level or membership group.
Club Administrator supported this idea ·
15 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Club Administrator commented
Just to be clear on my request, I need both the send from email address and the reply to email address to be "overridden" when an event is created and that change to only apply to a specific event.
An error occurred while saving the comment Club Administrator commented
I have been using Wild Apricot for about 5 years and this continues to be a pervasive issue for our organization since we schedule a lot of events at "Chapters" across the country where the event is planned and organized by different Chapter Directors. I need the event announcements and reminder emails to originate from the person managing the event and any replies to be sent to that same person rather than the reply to and "from email address" that is the default for our organization. Currently you can override the organization reply to and send from for an event announcement or email but it appears that doing so overrides the actual defaults for the entire organization which means new member applications, payments and all other notification email reply to and sender email are also changed. Basically I found that as soon as I override an event organizer sender/reply to email I have to immediately change it back to the organization default. Given the number of events and chapters, we need a better solution.
When a calendar event is created, simply allow the default sender and reply to be change for an event. The override should apply ONLY to that single event so that every announcement and reminder when sent originates from the correct sender's email address. All of our Chapter Directors have been issued email addresses with our domain name.
Club Administrator supported this idea ·
We have the exact same issue. Our members are provided a discount code for renewal but unfortunately many of them never notice the discount code prompt located at the bottom of the member profile screen. The RENEW link is located at the top of the screen so they click on RENEW and then an invoice is generated but without their discount applied. Once the discount is created, their only option is to pay the invoice and then we have to manually process a refund. No one at Wild Apricot seems to feel this is an important issue to fix. It would be a minor code change to move the discount prompt to the top of the page so it would not be overlooked. Or as an option, do not display all of the member profile fields before displaying the renewal discount prompt. I am willing to pay someone to make this change because we spend a lot of time processing refunds.