Member only product access
An option in the Store for a product to be available to members only.

Stefan Grossmann commented
Still very critical to us as well. We have frequent member-only sale events and would like to avoid hiding the entire page with store behind a member login. This means we have some confusion with the "regular price', which we have to set to something arbitrary.
Better to not have to show that, and have the entire product member only (but still visible in the public store page/widget)! -
Thea Clark commented
Very important. While you can have two stores, one in the members area and one for the general public (which we do), it doesn't stop someone searching for the product, landing on the product page and purchasing the product even though they are not a member. This has happened to us.
Shalaine M commented
In addition to member prices, I'd like to allow for items only available/restricted to members.
Shari Strong commented
I have 2 stores and it works, but would like to be able to have a discount code for products as well.
I have facilitators that are grandfathered into a lower price on a product and have no way of offering it to them, without adding a product that all the facilitators see.
Elizabeth Gibson commented
You might try making 2 stores. One for public, one for members only. Then you can set the settings to be members only, on the second store. It's a clunky workaround, but do-able...
Club Administrator commented
This is a very important feature.. For our website, non-members are not allowed to purchase products and if a non-member locates a product via a search engine or a current member shares the direct URL link to a product, then a non-member is allowed to purchase a product. The Wild Apricot system also creates a non-member account in the database. All products in the store need the option to be restricted by membership level or membership group.
Bill Tschumy commented
I would like this too.