ability to set different reply to email for event announcements vs reminders
We can set a different "reply to" email for events using the email address for each event coordinator. But then Announcements and Reminders both default to this email address.
Often a member will cancel when they receive the reminder, and we want the cancellation to go to a different person (an Event Administrator) who has access to Admin view.

susan bennett commented
you have the wrong email address for me when i have just placed an order it came up different email
Jeffrey Shapiro commented
Please allow meeting/event organizers to enter a unique "reply to" email address to event emails vs. only allowing the default account email address to be used. If sending a regular email from WildApricot, the "recipients" tab, #4, allows you to specify a reply to address. This capability should be added so that meeting notice/reminder replies can be routed to a specified location other than the default account address
Club Administrator commented
Just to be clear on my request, I need both the send from email address and the reply to email address to be "overridden" when an event is created and that change to only apply to a specific event.
Club Administrator commented
I have been using Wild Apricot for about 5 years and this continues to be a pervasive issue for our organization since we schedule a lot of events at "Chapters" across the country where the event is planned and organized by different Chapter Directors. I need the event announcements and reminder emails to originate from the person managing the event and any replies to be sent to that same person rather than the reply to and "from email address" that is the default for our organization. Currently you can override the organization reply to and send from for an event announcement or email but it appears that doing so overrides the actual defaults for the entire organization which means new member applications, payments and all other notification email reply to and sender email are also changed. Basically I found that as soon as I override an event organizer sender/reply to email I have to immediately change it back to the organization default. Given the number of events and chapters, we need a better solution.
When a calendar event is created, simply allow the default sender and reply to be change for an event. The override should apply ONLY to that single event so that every announcement and reminder when sent originates from the correct sender's email address. All of our Chapter Directors have been issued email addresses with our domain name.
Walt Bilofsky commented
This would not be necessary if members are allowed to edit or cancel their own registration.
[Deleted User] commented
Along this line, would like the ability to CC an Event coordinator when registrants are send an email.