Add a plan level between Community and Professional
We have been on the Community Plan and find ourselves outgrowing it. While it is a good problem to have, the jump between Community (500 contacts) and Professional (2000) is huge!
I would like to ask that you consider adding something in between. Maybe 750 or even 1000. Since all other features are the same, this is a big price increase to just have more members/contacts.

AlanR commented
We have been Wild Apricot customers for almost a decade, but we are nearing the 500 contact limit of Community. We cannot justify the massive cost difference to go to the Professional level, so we are going to have to look for solutions from other companies. This is tragic since I really like the functionality of the system, but we need to be able to grow our small non-profit user group contact list. We only need a couple hundred more contacts, not 1500 more.
Christine Souza commented
Agreed! Having a step in between to help support with smaller but growing communities would be so helpful!
Maryhelen Lounello commented
Our 501(c)3 non-profit organization uses Wild Apricot at the Community Level (with a contact list limit of 500.)
The next level plan has a limit of 2,000 contacts. Has Personify considered a level between "Community" and "Professional"? We would never need 2,000 contacts, but 1,000 would be nice. -
davemcteague commented
Wild Apricot/Personify knows this is an issue. Will they act on it? We'll pay more, but that much more?
Robin Sapiro commented
I absolutely agree with all your comments 100%. In fact I think that you are being kind to them when you say that you wait 2-3 days for a response from support. My experience over the last while has been a minimum of 5 days and sometimes never. This also given that 1 of the reasons for the 20% price hike in June was to improve support (which was pretty good until they decimated it). Our reasons for using W originally in 2013 were pretty much the same as yours. Back then we purchased the 500 contact plan as at that time there were other limitations on the 250 plan that we exceeded. Since then however when all plans (other than the free plan) now have the same limitations we dropped to the 250 contact plan (but cannot manage to drop to the 100 contact plan). That aside our cost is now more per year than it was back then.
It is my opinion that the Personify acquisition of WA was just to acquire the subscription revenue with no intent to enhance the product anymore and over time to persuade the WA customers to move to their other platform (is it Member Clicks?) by continually bumping the price, providing less and less support and zero enhancements.
We actually switched from annual payments at last renewal to monthly payments. Yes - it is a bit more expensive - but it will allow us to jump ship a lot more easily when the time comes. I am actively researching options.
Club Administrator commented
Robin, I appreciate your comment... I have already removed or archived all "contacts" and I do not retain contacts for email purposes only. This is not the first time I have brought this topic forward and Wild Apricot aka Personify chooses to ignore the request as "it is what it is". I initially chose Wild Apricot because the app was 1) easy to use, 2) inexpensive for a small organization and 3) fairly robust and provided an efficient method of managing events, membership renewals and member communications. However, increasing our annual payment from $1,320 to $2,280 for a subscription to Wild Apricot in order to support 500 members is not cost justifiable. I realize I can get a 10% discount for paying annually instead of monthly but from a cash flow perspective, I prefer to pay monthly. One thing I have noticed is that once Personify acquired Wild Apricot, the service level decreased and the quality of support and responsiveness is no where near as good as it used to me. Dimity Buterin, the founder of Wild Apricot was always willing to be flexible and even personally replied to support requests in less than 1 business day. Currently, when I submit a request for support I typically wait 2-3 days for a response. As I stated, Wild Apricot is a robust app, just way overpriced once an organization exceeds 500 contacts in my professional opinion.
Robin Sapiro commented
This request has been here since Jan 2016 - just a few months shy of 6 years and with 105 votes. This should not be any sort of coding change from the WA folks but just another entry in a table defining the contact count etc for a new plan.
Now we also all know how much they have hiked prices since then, so just do not hold your breath waiting for them to introduce this as much as it makes sense to all the users.
Now of your almost 500 contacts/members - how many of these are Members (that is people who would be signing on to see member restricted content) versus Contacts (that is people who are really just there so that you can send them emails).
If this is your situation and you are willing to spend about $9 per month on Integromat and either build a couple of scenarios there (or pay someone to do that for you) there are ways to get by with a much smaller WA plan but still keep all your data in WA.
You can find me in FaceBook in the WA Grove and DM me there or you can concatenate my first and last names to get my Gmail address if you want to discuss this idea/concept further.
Club Administrator commented
I 100% agree this is needed. I have been a Wild Apricot user since 2013 and we are just now nearing the 500 member (contacts) level. If I want to continue using Wild Apricot I will have to upgrade to the 2000 member level and increase my monthly payment by $80 per month. More than likely I will not even reach 1,000 members any time in the near future! What I need is a increase to 1,000 members and a reasonable increase would be from $110 per month that I am paying now to $150 per month.
Robin Sapiro commented
Maybe a better idea would be to allow for the purchase of additional blocks of say 50 or 100 contacts on top of any given plan level such that at say 100 or 200 contacts below the next level it becomes cheaper to just upgrade to another level.
Of course the really ideal solution would be to structure the pricing similar to that of Club Express where rather than pricing on contacts they price on members.
The concept being that members are active users of the site (logging on and using various services etc) while contacts are really just people that you may send emails to from time to time. Club Express give you so many free contacts per member.
This sounds very much like the situation described in the previous post (2000 contacts and only 650 members) and I suspect a situation that is very common for most not for profits/charities. Certainly fits for our group where we have about 45 members but close on 250 contacts (being mostly ex members and family members of members).
Anonymous commented
We are in the same boat. We have reached 2000 contacts but probably will never reach 5000. Hopefully, we do, but now the professional level is out of the range we can sustain with only 650 members. I agree that WA should add a 3000 or 3500 level so we can grow without going bankrupt.
Anonymous commented
Our association currently has a Community, $ 90 / month subscription which has a limit of 500 contacts. Your next subscription level is up to 2000. For smaller associations is there any chance of introducing a Community Pro level where an account can have up to 1000 contacts? Thank you, Lyn (VPO)
Tiffany Fisher commented
There really shouldn't be such a big jump between the membership levels. Can there be a level between?
Tiffany Fisher commented
We've been a long time WA member and would love to have more members but don't need 2000 we really wish you had an option of 1000 members. Is that something you might have in the near future? Thank you!
John Haeflinger commented
Agree that you are missing a level - 1,000 is needed to ensure you don't lose growing organizations to competitors.
Anonymous commented
The group that I am with is very near our 500 member limit, which is covered by our monthly cost. If we go above that limit, we jump into the next category which almost doubles our cost. Is there anyway you can provide an intermediate category, say 750 or 1000? I am having difficulty convincing the Board of Directors to allow the extra expenditure. Thanks for your consideration.
Albert Lagore commented
To be a viable product for our organization going forward, 1000 contacts is our sweet spot. 500 all the way to 2000 is just not feasible.
Brian Scott commented
Agree with comments below. A "1,000 Member" program and price would be most appreciated. Thank you for your consideration.
Chris Nemeth commented
Our not-for-profit organization is growing and we are currently at the 500 member level, but a jump to 2,000 would be a poor match with our resources. Wild Apricot does good work and we'd like to continue. Could you set a "1,000 member" place at the table, please? Thanks!
Phil Claiborne commented
Our non-profit currently subscribes at the "Community" 500 active contact level. The next tier is "Professional" at 2000. That is far more than we need + more than we can afford. Please provide a tier in between? Maybe 1000 active contacts?
Austin commented
Agree - I think a tier between 500 and 2000 would be very helpful. 1000 would be a good middle ground. Thanks!