Email members when new information is posted on website
It would be great to sent up a email system when new information is posted to the website. So if a item was added it would send a email letting members know that a new item was added rather then having them constantly checking for new information

Q-Admin commented
A simple email blast from the administrator will resolve this. There is no way that email blasts should occur any time a change occurs. Admins frequently move items around or change formatting. Members should not be notified of these. Frequently, graphics are changed. Again, members should not be notified of these. When a new page is added or a significant change occurs, then the admin should send out an email blast to the members. This is common sense. WA needs to concentrate on more pressing issues.
Thank you for the suggestion.
Currently waiting for more comments/suggestions/votes from others.Katya,
Astra crew @ Wild Apricot