Membership Trends Reporting
Retaining your membership is important to your organization. While Wild Apricot gives you the ability to do automatic renewals and send out reminders for non-automatic renewals, some have suggested that it would be handy to be able to report on this.
Create the ability for administrators to be able to run reports on renewal rates for members.
The important thing for this is that we identify what information should be in the reports. At first blush, I can imagine:
* In a year, how many renewals were done before the renewal date, on the renewal date, and then certain days after renewal date (5 days after, 30 days after etc). This could be set up so that it gets the dates from the reminders that you've set up on your membership level.
* Attrition - How many members within a certain time period have not renewed or have been archived .
I'd love to hear what other information about your members renewal/membership status you'd like to be able to track and analyze.

Membership trends report is available now. You can compare how your membership base changes over time and how it affects the organization’s revenue.
Historical data is available from the beginning of 2020.
See this help article for details
More reports will follow.
For any changes in reporting, please create a separate topic.
David Kenney commented
Trend Reporting only for 2020 is not very useful. Is there a plan to include older data so that we can see a longer metric?
Walt Bilofsky commented
Having asked many times for partial solutions now vs. full solutions later, I have to welcome this approach.
But will reports for previous years become available, or is that not possible? Because we renew memberships once a year, so this won't be useful for us for a long time unless it will go further back.
Yes--I see the same problems in my report: But any other points in time before (on a weekly or monthly setting), seem to have the numbers wrong, showing some membership levels with a negative value and some much higher than they were.
Are we the only ones experiencing this? Is it possible to fix it?
Simona commented
Thank you for the update. It is great to see this feature has been launched.
However, we have tried to use the trends report and the data displayed does not seem to be correct.
In the chart the last column shows the correct current number of members. But any other points in time before (on a weekly or monthly setting), seem to have the numbers wrong, showing some membership levels with a negative value and some much higher than they were.
Are we the only ones experiencing this? Is it possible to fix it?
Simona commented
Is this available now? The last update from the admin said it will be available at the beginning of July. Where can we find this feature?
Jenney commented
@Team Membership Any updates on when this feature will be released?
JW Schroeder commented
How do I generate a metric that compares and contrasts membership by month by year from historical to the present?
Anonymous commented
I would like to have a monthly stats report for membership and be able to view trends in our membership numbers/data by looking at how many active members we have each month (like the 1st of the month), rather than only be able to see the real-time number. This way I could compare our membership number from April 2020 to March 2020 or even April 2019.
Rick Kennett commented
Metrics are the way we determine success or failure. With business the primary metrics revolve around dollars... cost and profit.
For not for profit success is measured differently, our metric relate to "impact". How many members, sponsors, contributors etc.
We need to have the ability to look back and make comparisons in order to track performance .
Rick -
Robin Sapiro commented
@Alex, thanks for the clarification of your connector and the pricing.
@RLM - what Alex is offering would only be a conflict of interest if he was employed by WA and was then selling services to WA customers as a sideline for his own profit.
All that he is doing is offering a solution that is free out of the box, but could cost you $$ if you needed him to do customization. The worst that you could accuse him of doing is using these forums to advertise his solutions. Seen as that these forums are managed by WA, if they did not like what he was doing - they would remove his posts. In reality he offers additional functionality to the WA product and this is beneficial to WA as it helps to improve their customer retention.
Also note that you always have the option of flagging any post on the forum as inappropriate and that would bring it to the attention of the forum administrator who would then decide if it needed to be removed
Alex Sirota commented
@Robin is absolutely correct in his analysis. But the WARM connector we built does exactly what Robin suggests below without the need to pay one single cent. The connector is *free* to use for anybody with a Google account. Go here and create your own report for free
NewPath Consulting charges only for when someone wants us to spend *time* to build a custom dashboard but the connector has a free dashboard built in that can be scheduled monthly to do membership trending, TODAY!
You're welcome!
Robin Sapiro commented
Hi All,
So this item has now been open for almost 10 years and has a sizeable number of votes.
It also been a 'work in progress' for over 2 years now.
Both really long periods. Now typically I am not at all impressed with the response time (if any) from WA to customer requests (and I have no relationship with WA other than being a user), but I have been in the IT industry in various roles for longer than I care to remember. As such I can say that reports for customers are probably the most difficult things to provide. Even when you are producing custom reports for a specific customer they typically are looking for all sorts of weird information that makes the reports very complex to develop.
When you are trying to produce a generic set of reports for a product, you can be 100% assured that these reports will only satisfy a very small % of your customer base. Every single customer will have different needs. And that is when you have a product that has standard databases or tables.
In the WA world you can be 100% sure that each and every customer will have different custom fields in their membership tables. So how on earth can any development team produce a set of reports that will satisfy more than a few customers? It is virtually impossible.
So Alex from NewPath Consulting mentions his membership dashboard - I have not seen that at all - maybe that can be customized on a per customer basis to give each customer what they are looking for. Also no idea what Alex will be charging for this.
What I would suggest to all of you waiting for this report is that you consider the following options.
1. Setup a GMail account (free) or GSuite ($$) - either of these give you access to Google Sheets (like Excel but in the cloud) or open an Airtable account (both free and $$) - also a data base in the cloud but far more powerful than Excel or Sheets.
2. Open an Integromat account (free or $$ depending on your volumes).
3. Take a current dump of your WA membership data (use the Export option to export selected members (or all) and selected field (or all) to an Excel spreadsheet (even if you do not have Excel - these can be viewed etc in Open Office or Libre (both free)).
4. Dump the initial data download from 3 above into Google sheets or Airtable as your base dataset.
5. Build a scenario in Integromat that monitors (watches) for any changes in your contact tables. This kind of scenario fires within moments of any changes. capture in this scenario the fields that are relevant to your organization and again with the Integromat integration with either Google Sheets or Airtable - add this change as a new row (record) to either of these.
6. Now whenever you want a report - just extract the data that YOU want from either Sheets or Airtable
RLM commented
Alex Sirota, answering queries below, is the Director of NewPath Consulting, a business selling services to address the problems we are inquiring about with Wild Apricot. Since he is profiting from addressing these issues by selling services, I believe that is called a "conflict of interest."
NewPath Consulting has launched v1.0 of our Google Data Studio community connector for Wild Apricot. It is called Wild Apricot Reports Manager. The reporting functionality you all seek is best done outside of Wild Apricot using the Wild Apricot API. Please visit for more details.
RLM commented
Is there an update on this issue?
I concur with Simona and GJTea's comments below regarding the need to be able to track at least basic membership trends over time.
WA is a great program and we love it, but the lack of reporting capabilities is a serious drawback.
Simona commented
Is there an update on this issue?
It is crucial for us to be able to track and analyze changes in the membership program and it is disappointing that reporting is not available now.
The least membership program administrators should be able to see weekly, monthly and yearly reports with the data on:
how many members there were in each membership level,
how many new members joined in that period,
how many members left the membership,
how many members changed their membership level.Additionally it would be helpful to see the data by country, gender, age group, etc.
GJTea commented
Is there an update on this issue?
It is crucial for us to be able to track and analyze changes in the membership program and it is disappointing that reporting is not available now.
The least membership program administrators should be able to see weekly, monthly and yearly reports with the data on:
how many members there were in each membership level,
how many new members joined in that period,
how many members left the membership,
how many members changed their membership level.Additionally it would be helpful to see the data by country, gender, age group, etc.
Judy Pfeiffer commented
I would like a report that would tell me how many members we had on December 31st each year with out having to go in on that date specifically to get the information.
We also have members that can pay for multiple years at a time. I would like a report that let us know how many members (by type) will expire by year. -
Alex Sirota commented
@docjohn - we have a template with a membership summary similar to the one in the dashboard. If you want you can scheduled this to be sent to you ever day, week or month and then compare the "snapshots" of the summary. Thus you have a trend.
Have a look at page 2 of this report - happy to provide you a copy if you'd like
I'll be presenting this in April 2020 at Personifest in Colorado Springs. Stay tuned!
Gillian Schair commented
I'd really like to be able to run reports from your platform that help me understand member retention. I think this should be a key function of a membership database.
Gillian Schair -
docjohn commented
Alex, I don't see any of the templates you provide actually provide the functionality requested in this ticket.
This will be a first -- the longest time a feature request has been open in the history of software: a decade! And it's been "work in progress" for over 2 years now. No updates. Vaporware.