Searching by and reporting on invoiced/paid by area by person
I would like to be able to search by the amount a person has paid money to the organization, across the board: membership, event, donation, etc. Right now I can do it only by choosing membership and/or donation, but don't see how I can capture event payment info in the search criteria.

AnnaG commented
Need No Invoice report/search:
We have annual billing through Renewals mechanism, a common situation. However, there is no report and it's impossible to construct a reliable search to show all accounts for which Renewal invoices were NOT generated either within certain time frame or for the given Renewal Date.
Evgeny Zaritovskiy commented
Sorry, still no progress here and I do not expect any in 2011
Dmitry Buterin commented
OK, thanks, understood.
Everyone - I would comments if you have similar needs.
Alex Yaroslavsky commented
I am talking about both.
I would want the fields as search criteria (to identify people who have contributed money to our organization in whatever form), but in responding to your previous question realized that it would be great to see a report like this for an individual person (or persons).
Dmitry Buterin commented
yes, this help, thanks.
Let me confirm
Are you talking about just using these amount as search criteria to select records? If so, what is the overall workflow - why do you need to select these and how would you use this afterwards?
or are you talking about some kind of report by person?
Alex Yaroslavsky commented
All good questions.
For my specific purposes, I would be interested in the amount actually paid. However, I could see others carrying about invoiced amounts. When it doubt, I would offer a choice.
As to your second question, it would be much more useful if I could see the amounts broken down by area. So the result might look like
1/1/10 - 1/1/11 Membership Events Donations Other Total
Invoiced $xxxx $xxxx $xxxxx $xxxx $xxxx
Received $xxxx $xxxx $xxxxx $xxxx $xxxx
Total $xxxx $xxxx $xxxxx $xxxx $xxxx
Each of these could be a criteria which I could select from the Criteria form.
Does this help?
Dmitry Buterin commented
So in Wild Apricot terms we would talk about total invoiced amount, correct? (Or actually paid?)
Do you need the total only - or by area (membership/events/donations/other)?
Overall total or for a specific time period?
Overall, I would appreciate more details about the workflow on how this would be used.