My feedback
36 results found
4 votes
AnnaG supported this idea ·
48 votes
AnnaG supported this idea ·
114 votes
We started working on providing members ability to stop their own membership. Stay tuned for updates!
An error occurred while saving the comment An error occurred while saving the comment AnnaG commented
Right now members will receive a number of annual renewal emails (as they should) until the system suspends or archives them. There is no way they can go to the site and cancel their membership instead. Internally that should trigger a number of options, most importantly suspend and or archived. It might be useful to have one more status: Resigned.
AnnaG supported this idea ·
1 vote
AnnaG shared this idea ·
15 votes
AnnaG supported this idea ·
34 votes
AnnaG supported this idea ·
56 votes
AnnaG supported this idea ·
68 votes
AnnaG supported this idea ·
53 votes
AnnaG supported this idea ·
208 votes
AnnaG supported this idea ·
8 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment AnnaG commented
There is no way to use member's data if a manual Renewal invoice is needed, for example if the Member was Pending New at the Renewal time. Everything needs to be just typed. It would be lovely to have following features, probably from dropdowns on the corresponding fields IF the invoice to be created was marked as the Renewal one:
- Automatically add member's Level rate
- Pull one of the possible discounts on a yet one more line
- Automatically add all Extra Charges that this member has, one per line
- Automatically but optionally prorate it (a Prorate checkbox?)AnnaG supported this idea ·
3 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment AnnaG commented
Need No Invoice report/search:
We have annual billing through Renewals mechanism, a common situation. However, there is no report and it's impossible to construct a reliable search to show all accounts for which Renewal invoices were NOT generated either within certain time frame or for the given Renewal Date.
AnnaG supported this idea ·
10 votes
AnnaG supported this idea ·
37 votes
Evgeny Zaritovskiy responded
For now, this is not something we’re going to change – not sure if ever.
Workaround to use: create a special “entry” free level to apply to, and close “normal” ones for application. For the entry level, create also a dropdown field where a potential member can choose a level they want to apply to. Add other fields you need to assess the application. When application is successful, your admin is to change membership level to required one and generate membership invoice (membership upgrade invoice). The member will be emailed with the invoice and can pay.An error occurred while saving the comment AnnaG commented
Regarding Admins Free Level advice: this what we were advised as well and we started with it. This workflow had multiple issues:
- Discounts don't work when admin changes a level
- Extra charge items are not pulled
- No prorating
Basically, you need to type the whole invoice, as opposed to generating it.AnnaG supported this idea ·
129 votes
Many thanks for your comments and feedback in this thread - it was super helpful for us in analysis and design of the feature.
I'm happy to announce that we're working on adding donations to compensate payment processing fees. This feature will be released later this year.Some design decisions I wanted to speak out explicitly:
1. We decided to proceed with optional donations to compensate credit card processing fees as opposed to surcharges/convenience fee.
Main reasons for this is that there are too many regulations around mandatory charges to compensate fees: it's illegal in some countries/states, there are caps on how much you could charge, etc. To avoid all of this legal complications we decided to suggest members to opt-in to compensate processing fees, as opposed to make them obligatory.
All these transactions will be recorded as donations in WA and can be later used for tax deduction.2. You…
AnnaG supported this idea ·
61 votes
Evgeny Zaritovskiy responded
We’re collecting comments and votes for now, no actual development is planned so far
AnnaG supported this idea ·
19 votes
AnnaG supported this idea ·
12 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment AnnaG commented
Number of days should be configurable, not just 30.
AnnaG supported this idea ·
6 votes
AnnaG supported this idea ·
13 votes
AnnaG supported this idea ·
This should be carefully coded or configurable around the idea that the member should be able to self-archive ONLY if there is no OLD balance due. The NEW invoice amount associated with renewal should be voided before or during self-archiving.
Also the membership chair should be able to easily get self-archiving statistics, this or other way, like a new built in report complete with self-archiving date range.