Automatically delete or archive pending new memberships after certain number of days.
We have an ongoing issue with people who fill out the memberhisp form then never pay membership fees. These pending new members never expire. I would like to see those with a "pending new" status that are unpaid after 30 days be automatically deleted/archived & the invoice deleted.

Toronto Bicycling Network, Inc commented
I agree with all the suggestions here. It would help administration of our organization's membership considerably.
Ed Emond-Worline commented
So much of the WA system is fully automated. Why isn't this process? We should not have to monitor pending memberships (for non-payment of dues)?
AnnaG commented
Number of days should be configurable, not just 30.
Anonymous commented
It would be nice if a reminder email could be sent to members who have completed the application process but not yet paid their invoice, with an automatic 'timeout' for the invoice to be voided and application cancelled after, for example, one month.