Rules and Terms affirmation for bundled members
A very significant problem for enforcing the "terms & rules" field acceptance exists for bundled memberships. In this case, the bundle administrator is able to add a new bundle member and complete all the fields for this new member-- including the acceptance of the hold harmless text in our "terms & rules" field! Our legal advisor tells us this is a legal no-no and we must ensure that only the bundle member himself checks this acceptance box. This leaves us with a liability risk with about 50% of our members. Yikes! We hope WA can give attention to this gaping gap in their Rules and Terms field. There must be other member organizations with a liability/insurance issue that are also using bundled membership types.

Kathy Riegel commented
4 years later, why has this problem not been addressed?!! At renewal, all members must sign an annual waiver. If the bundle administrator signs his, and the bundle member does not, they are both renewed. This leaves us with a big gap in waiver coverage for our bicycling club members.
Starry Bush-Rhoads commented
I wish we had a way to have our bundled members "each" sign the release waiver before acceptance of their new or renewal form on line with Wild Apricot. Right now only the primary member needs to sign and this leaves our organization with very big liability risk. Thank you.