Show address field in Member Directory
Is it possible to have 5 fields in each column on the Search results layout?
This would enable a member address, city, state, zip and country to be in one column, rather than split across 2 columns.
~~ or ~~ can we add the city, state, zip to be one field ?? that would also help solve the address from flowing over two columns.
We currently publish a paper member directory and would love to get away from it by having it available here.
thanks a bunch,

Mary commented
We would like the ability to add a 5th (and even a 6th column) to the info displayed on the Membership Directory gadget
Shelby Rohr commented
Surprised that this issue is at least 11 years old! As a new WA customer, our directory should be able to display Address in one column and use the 4th column for other information. Disappointed.
Brian C commented
I would also like a way to combine address-line-1 and address-line-2 on one line in a Member Directory.
Anonymous commented
Surprising that this has not been addressed even though Wild Apricot responded that it was a reasonable idea back in 2015. This is now 6 years later and still an issue.
Hayley Raymond commented
This has been an ongoing issue for us as well. With only 3 fields allowed in each column, it is impossible to include a full mailing address -- we are limited to 'Address 1', 'City' and 'Province', to the exclusion of 'Address 2' and 'Postal Code' which is very unhelpful for folks hoping to addressing letters. Having 5 fields per column would be a helpful update, or at the very least, please add an option for 'Full address' like we have in the email macros to solve the issue with providing full mailing addresses.
Janet Ordway commented
I noticed that these comments are a bit dated, but this has been an issue for us for several years. We really need 5 fields in each column of the Directory. I keep getting asked by our members why they have to open the individual record to find the zip code when they are trying to address an envelope. Did I miss something where this has been addressed?
Lucinda commented
Allow zip code to be shown next to state in directory. Only 3 lines allowed per column and nowhere to put it. Doesn't look right in the column with the website. Needs to be with the address, versus having to click on the company name.
David Engen commented
Modify member list so full address can be displayed. No room for zip code.
Pat commented
We are a brand new WA user, we are just beta testing our WA web site. We have this problem with city state zip, and printing birthdays (month and day) in the directory. I used the workaround to have the new members enter a field with the city, state, zip together as well as seperate and month and day together as well as seperate.
One of the first comments I got was, Why am I entering things twice? It makes the software look unsophisticated when it is not, in so many other ways. Not a big confidence builder for the new members or new users.
Pat commented
Yes! We have this problem too. We did a work around and make members enter city, state, zip separately and combined. Makes us look silly but it helps the directory format. We have the same problem with birthdays (mmdd). If we want to sort on the them they have to be separate fields but who wants the birthday to take 2 lines in the directory.
Rick Dalven commented
David Engen commented
Three rows in member directory gadget are not enough for some usual cases. For example: if you want to show full address, you need four fields: street, city, state and zipcode.
This issue can be solved by adding rows or by allowing users to compose row from several fields (as it represented with first name and last name, for example).
Evgeny Zaritovskiy commented
Thanks for the comment, I can assure you that we understand the problem.
Leon Frank commented
We found this limitation to be just plain silly. We ended up using 4 different fields, one each for City, State, and Zip, then a 4th for all of them combined. When I imported the majority of the members from an Excel spreadsheet, I used concatenate to combine the fields into one field for the import so most members haven't noticed how silly it is. But now when we add members one by one and they are supposed to enter their own information, the limitation is clear that the software can't assemble these pretty standard elements itself. We don't need more columns, we need the ability to display City, State, Zip on one line.
Evgeny Zaritovskiy commented
I would say that the problem is not in number of fields to be shown in each column, but in absence of special address field that shows address in special way (not field by field). \
Still I agree that it is reasonable to increase a number of fields from 3 to at least 5 in each member directory column.
Richard Blaine commented
This capability would add significantly to the value and readability of the member directory
Michele Tarsitano-Amato commented
Yes, it would be REALLY helpful to be able to put city and postal code (zip) on the same line in the custom layouts.
Has this already been addressed?
Dmitry Buterin commented
I would appreciate comments from others who have a similar need.