Bundle membership pricing
Current behavior:
Bundle membership pricing policy is is not flexible - administrator can only setup memberhsip fee and bundle limit. No way to setup pricing based on number of people in bundle.
Desired behavior:
Add ability to admin to set pricing policy for bundle memberships.For example, we receive feedback from our customers:
- "...It would be much easier to have a quantity field to compute the number of members for billing... People select the number of members to include in the bundle. The system calculates the invoice amount."
- "...Group memberships - would like a system that allows multiple registrations, can figure the discounted rate based on the number in the group and apply the proper rate automatically, rather than the up-to-so-many for $X system. It should also allow us to record the name and contact information for the group administrator or secretary, who may not be a member of the group.
For example of pricing for group membership
Group of 5: $60 per person
Group of 6 to 10: $55 per person
Group of 11 to 15: $50 per person
Group of 16 or more: $45 per person

Thanks for comments, @Steve. This improvement is in active development right now, unfortunately it takes longer then we expected.
1st part (as redesigned membership level setup UI) will be out in Q2 2024 and bundle pricing improvements are a bit further down the road -
Steve Jackson commented
I participated in a UI/UX session in the spring of 2023 and the features they had added addressed my needs. I still haven't seen them show up in the app. Is there any way to get an update on when the features will be added to the app? @Oleg Nesterkin
prefabAUS commented
We would like to add an extra membership charge for additional bundle members. Is this feature likely to be delivered soon?
Loman O’Byrne commented
We would like to use bundles simply as a way for bundle ‘administrators’ to manage subscriptions on behalf of others - without price breaks or ‘up to X members for €Y’ as at present. Just allow me to set a price per member for bundles and calculate the total cost for payment by reference to the number of members entered in the group.
Our scenario is one in which one aircraft owner handles all financial matters for his group of co-owners, including the (legally mandatory) membership of our society. Also, we have some members who simply make payments on behalf of other members who are older or less IT-literate. Neither of these scenarios require a discount. But they do require a bundle system with ‘per member’ pricing.
Kevin Washington commented
Bundle pricing based on the number of people included in the bundle should be implemented as soon as possible. Simply have the system multiply the number of bundle "slots" by a dollar amount set by the administrator. For example. X * $79 = Bundle Price
Anonymous commented
Similar to Google Business and Microsoft Office, I would like to add the ability to give an Membership account manager the ability to add new users within their organization and pick from the available subscription items to add to the new users membership. Then billing should total all sub-users within the organization and produce an invoice that will describe to the account manager what made up the total billing.
Bill Tidball commented
We have two potential clients that would benefit from a separate price for a bundle member. Their membership price is based on the number within their member group.
Elizabeth Loosemore commented
Re bundle memberships: Our organization has a significantly reduced family member fee that is assessed for each family member in addition to the "parent" membership fee. So if 2 people are bundled it would be $xx + $y. If 3 people are bundled it would be $xx +$y +$y. If 4 people are bundled it would be $xx +$y +$y +$y and so on. We currently need to set up bundle options as member+1, member+2, member+3. It would be nice to be able to have a single bundled option that allowed designating how many additional family members at $y per member.
JimF commented
In our case, we need to have a Parent/Guardian managing their family's memberships. Adults have one type of membership (or might not even technically be a member), their children might be in High School or Middle School program each with different pricing. We have tiered Discounts for families of two, three, and four members which would be assigned across all members of the Bundle.
Mary Adams commented
We'd like to be able to let a varying number of members form groups using the bundles. The only way to do this practically is to have a per-person fee for being in the bundle. All the other functionality would work for us.
Heather Dana commented
We need this option as well. Please implement, thank you!
Jeff commented
Bundle billing is a problem. You need to implement variable billing based upon the number of members in a bundle. I have a number of government agencies and organizations that love the ability to manage their own bundle, but don't want a flat rate for the whole bundle. They feel a real need to have their bill tied directly to the number of members in their bundle.
Gail Victoor commented
We also have 2 customers that all would benefit from being able to setup a membership level where you set a price per member and have the system calculate the invoice total.
Example # 1 customer's fees are:
* Corporate membership up to 4 members = $250
* Additional members are: $60/member (no limit to the number of members at that rate)Example #2 customer's fees are:
* Corporate memberships are $35/person, up to a total of 6 membersWe look forward to seeing this get on the Roadmap sometime in the future.
Kind regards,
NJ87 commented
First, I am new to WA and just starting to set up our member levels.
Our membership structure is corporate based. Several dues levels are based on the number of "retail store" locations owned by the corporation. Those bundled memberships would include unlimited individuals (contacts/members) to be tied to the bundle.
Dues are calculated on a sliding scale. We have one membership level for 2-10 stores. As an example lets say the fees are $100 for the 1st store and $50 for each additional store. It would be wonderful to enter in the number of stores and have WA calculate the dues based on the pricing structure.
I currently have to use "extra charges" and set radio button options for the total amount due for 2 to 10 stores (2 stores = $150, 3 stores = $200, 4 stores = $250, all the way to 10 stores).
I also have a membership level for larger "chain" stores. Again, dues are based on a sliding scale. As an example:
11-20 stores - $200 per store
21 - 40 stores - $150 per store
41 - 60 stores - $100 per store
61 or more stores - $50 per storeIf I use the extra charges feature, I will have to set up "Chain" levels for each group above and with radio buttons that calculate dues for the number of stores within each group.
I have no idea how I could possible handle the 61 or more store group - it could go up to more than 100 stores. We really really need a function to enter in a $ amount with a X (times) ____ number of stores and have WA calculate the appropriate dues.
If anyone has any ideas, thoughts or comments are greatly appreciated!
NEWVMA commented
This is also a functionality I'd like to see for our organization. It would be great to be able to have someone bundle and be able to choose the number of people registered multiplied by $X membership cost as we do not do any reduced priced memberships.
Chris Gierymski commented
This is exactly what our organization is looking for in bundle member management. Our membership is based on indivdual pricing, not groups. However, there is a need to have a group or bundle admin handle all payments and register members indivudually as part of that group. We would love to see a quantity option that mutliplies the number of members being added by the individual member price. That way the bundle admin can pay on one credit card and add new members to the group and pay accordingly.
Our members are from law firms and legal departments. There is usually one director or manager over all the group members. That person would be the group admin and handle all registrations for membership.
Please add that functionality Wild Apriciot. It would be a great enhancement to an already fantastic product. Thank you.
myvpterri commented
This feature would be extremely helpful to one of my clients as well. We have a static price for the first two members from a company and then offer a discount for each additional member from the same company.
JD1200 commented
This is exactly the type of functionality we need too.