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3403 results found
Show restricted access page in menu but require password to access
Right now whatever you want to protect or restrict access to, you have to put it under a "Restricted Access" functional page.
And whatever that is in that page is invisible, unless you log in.
Two suggestions/wish list....
Capability to designate each page whether it is to be password protected or not, without putting it under a restricted functional page. Having to create pages under "Restricted Access" limits flexibility and intuitiveness in arranging the pages.
Have those password protected pages menus be visible, even without logging in, but require password to proceed any further.
43 votes -
make it possible to customize the directory search criteria
Can you please make it possible to amend the search criteria
on the drop down box for the search function (in the directory) to
just show 'contains' rather than all the other options e.g. 'empty'
etc. See below:http://help.wildapricot.com/display/DOC/Advanced+search+-+Members
Text / Multi-text fields e.g. "email", "lastname", "organization" -
can be searched by:These options can they be limited / removed/ not displayed?
Contains / Does not contain: will return records that contain / do
not contain matching string
Is / Is not: returns records that match / do not exact string
Empty / Not Empty: returns records that are empty…6 votes -
Officer Designations
I would love to have some sort of "officer" designation capability. I use WA for three(!) nonprofits I'm involved with, each of which has volunteer officers. I've adjusted a few things and made all kinds of workarounds, but if there was a way to assign an officer position to a member, it would simplify many of our processes. Things this could help:
An "officer" directory that is automatic (even if it had to be created through a saved search). My current workaround is to either 1) do a plain web page and list members, updating their info as it changes,…
15 votes -
inverse availability of event registrations (all members except some levels)
Is there a way to make registration types available to Everyone EXCEPT members or those other membership levels that have been defined?
I want to have some choices available to the general public that the Members who log in would not have to view,
Thanks for your help,
4 votes -
Validate e-mail addresses
Member registration does not validate emails. This is an extra concern for sites like ours where members can join for free. Anyone can make up an email address, or worse impersonate someone else. Once an email is used, it cannot be used by another person, even if the first person is not the owner of the address and the second person is.
Please consider adding an email validation check that sends an email and requires the applicant to use a code that was emailed (or click a link).
78 votes -
Provide Member View to admins without Membership
Currently administrators who are not signed up as members do not have access to the "go to member view" option when signed in.
This means that all of our staff need to be set up as members, and we need to create a separate member category that is not shown in our member listing on the user page for this. It seems unnecessary for there to be a workaround for a feature that we feel should be standard.
Administrators from the organization that has purchased the Wild Apricot software should have access to all of the features of the product,…
9 votes -
Gift Aid
Gift Aid is a big deal for UK charities.
Official description: http://www.direct.gov.uk/en/MoneyTaxAndBenefits/ManagingMoney/GivingMoneyToCharity/DG_10015097
Generally, the way it works is that when a charity asks for a donation, they also ask the donor to tick a box to enable the charity to reclaim an additional tax element from the tax authority (if the donor is a UK tax payer).
Combined with a date field (which Wild Apricot doesn't yet provide!), we administrators could create a report/search query to pre-fill the relevant form to submit to the tax authority for the reclaim.
2 votes -
Be able to followup on email recipients that did not open or click
My wishlist item:
The result I want is a segmented recipient list that allows me to, for example, send a follow-up message to those who clicked on a certain link or those who didn't open the email the first time.
Right now, I can download the saved list from members/contacts then manually mark opens and clicks as I find them in the email log. I can't download the recipient list from the email log including opens & clicks, though. That would make this easier. Even better would be the ability to segment the list from within the email log where…
98 votes -
Multiple invoice templates
I search the forum, but I can't find anything regarding my situation...so I am posting it here. If there is a similar post and you can point me towards it, I would be greatful.
I guess my first question would be - can we create more than one invoice template? I have a template set up for new members and existing members who renew. This all works fine as I have the {Payment_Instructions} set up so that they make sense for these types of invoices. The instructions thank them for their membership payment and goes through some other 'membership' specific…
127 votes -
Random photo gadget
A gadget to show one random photo from a selected photo album. The photo could be sized as needed and optionally linked to show the larger image in the album. Optionally, it could have subtext displaying the name of the member that contributed it.
10 votes -
Improving manual event registration to avoid errors
With the introduction of the the new screen for Administrators to add people to their events, many are adding existing members as new contacts. I have had four of five examples of this. The reason I believe is that they do not notice the 'Select existing contact' button and go straight to the blank attendee registration form. We hardly ever add new contacts, so the set up for us is wrong.
My suggestion is that the screen be redesigned to make the Select existing contact more prominent. Ideally, in my opinion, there should be two buttons: the first, labelled Select…
2 votes -
Provide ability to delete manual email blasts from the log
So far I am very impressed with the WildApricot CMS, it's features and usability.
But I feel that the built in Email Log is lacking some features:1) Function to delete individual entries from the log (Administrator only)
2) Function to clear the email log for individual categories (Administrator only)
3) Function to clear the entire email log (Administrator only)An added advantage would be if the administrator could assign privileges to other users for deleting entries/clearing the email log(s)
Also relating to the email log, it would be advantageous if the log entries would display the date/time when an…
15 votes -
Print Calendars in Landscape Mode
Would be very helpful to have the ability to print the calendars in landscape mode one month at a time for handouts (currently it seems to do a random number of weeks based on the current date), and control the fonts.
11 votes -
I would like to be able to have custom filters for all Filter check boxes. For example, I would like to see only this year's donations, or members who joined last year, etc.
Ideally the filters would all use the same SQL logic/fields, and be available for all or just selected lists (e.g., [Last Name begins with 'G'] would be available for all filters, while [Donation greater than $1,000] would only apply to the Donations section).
I also imagine a grid maintenance view, where all custom filters are listed from top to bottom and the various sections are columns from…
6 votes -
Customizable username for forums
Does anyone know how to change how members show up when they post a comment in the Forum?
Because we have members real names blocked, all members that post show up as "Anonymous Member" in posts.
When members apply for membership, they select a "Profile" Member name.
Is there a way for this discreet "Member / Profile" name to show up in posts instead of having to unblock their real names or only show "Anonymous".
Any help greatly appreciated.
22 votes -
Scholarship Application Management
Our non-profit provides multiple scholarships throughout the year- we take applications from students, early to mid-career professionals, and professionals nominating a mentor.
Currently, we are at a loss on how to best create these. We have been using the events section, but it seems to be confusing the people who need to fill out the application.
It would be nice to have a module dedicated to Scholarship Application Management with the ability to require that someone be at a specific membership level to apply.
13 votes -
Internal Notes box on Event Details Form
Would it be possible to have an internal notes box on the Event Details form? We often want to store information relating to an Event, such as minimum required numbers, target number of participants or internal deadline dates, but we don't want these to appear on the web.
Would this be useful for anyone else?
28 votes -
Enhancements for dealing with lapsed members
I understand that this most recent software update has introduced a change in the way that lapsed members are handled. Let's assume that we have WA set up so that renewal is once per year and occurs on the member's join date. According to the way I understand the online documentation, if a member is lapsed, then if they renew, a new renewal date is assigned, meaning that they don't owe any back dues. However, if a member is active and they are in arrears, they then do owe the back dues. (It's not clear from the documentation how this…
11 votes -
Email macro for Organization Contact Name
It would be good to be able to specify an "Organization Contact Name" under Settings->Organization details. The "Organization Contact Name" could then be a macro that could be incorporated into emails to members, so that we could say something like: "If you have any questions, please contact {Organization Contact Name} at {Organization Contact Email}." It is nice to be able to let people know who they will be contacting -- it's not so nice just to give them an email address to contact without a name. Of course, we can write a person's name into each email without a macro,…
14 votes -
Access Guest information in macros
We register members and guests for our events. We need to get to all of the guest information easily online in WA without having to export it for manipulation.
How come there is no macro for [EventField_All} for guest registrations? Right now all we can do is get to guest price, name, and price.
We need to send our members confirmations of their event registrations that include a lot of detailed information. The members need all of this information for the guests, too.
7 votes
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