Finding primary company contacts (or bundled administrators) using the simple search
Our Membership managers want to locate primary company contacts (or bundle administrators) using the simple search screen.
When you have a many bundled administrators with many linked (or children) records. It’s difficult to find the primary member contact (or bundled administrator). I know you can use advance search but this involves extra steps when searching on a day-to-day basis. In our case bundle administrators are the primary member contact which is used frequently.
The functionality is relatedly simple, in fact works exactly the same as finding an system administrator.
My suggestion for the Contacts / Simple Search page is to add:
1) 'With Bundle Administrator' and also 'With Non-Bundle Administrator' rights to the on the Filter menu, see below.
2) Add a GREEN star next to the primary contact (or Bundle Administrator) record on the simple search screen. The star is already added on the members screen to denote the Bundle Administrator but not shown on the simple search screen.
What are your thoughts??? If you agree with this functionality please vote for it. I need many votes.
Thank you for your help.
Joanna Straub commented
Our members are organizations with several contacts at each organization. I'd like to be able to run a search based on the bundle administrator's ID. For example, if I want one person from each organization (bundle) to attend an event, I want an easy way to only email those members that aren't affiliated with a bundle that is already sending someone. Would also help with reporting.
Dmitry Buterin commented
OK, thanks for elaborating. Let's see what other users have to say on this.
Simon Palmer commented
Thank you for your reply.
The advance search can be crafted to search for a company or create a separate search for a person who is the primary contact. However, the simple search works really well and would save time, the User just types the company name or person's name and could select Bundle administrator filter which would find the primary contact directly. The search is repeated many times a day by Membership managers.
Also, the advance search does not identify primary contacts or bundle administrators in the search results listing. It would be great to have a green star that identifies who is the primary contact or some representation that denotes the primary contact in the search result listing screens.
Dmitry Buterin commented
Can you elaborate further on why not use an advanced search? You can create a saved search for quick access.