Scholarship Application Management
Our non-profit provides multiple scholarships throughout the year- we take applications from students, early to mid-career professionals, and professionals nominating a mentor.
Currently, we are at a loss on how to best create these. We have been using the events section, but it seems to be confusing the people who need to fill out the application.
It would be nice to have a module dedicated to Scholarship Application Management with the ability to require that someone be at a specific membership level to apply.

Whitney Miller commented
Has anyone successfully used the membership application module for this purpose?
If I did manage scholarship applications via the application module, will it require that I change the individual's membership type to this new one for the scholarship, or could they remain at the same membership level as before and also submit an application through the second membership application module?
Evgeny Zaritovskiy commented
Could you explain why membership application module does not work for you?
camatc commented
I would really like an option similar to that.
We offer several scholarships through our association and we would like to have the ability to take our applications on line.
Dmitry Buterin commented
Have you considered using membership application for this? You can create a special free level and have it on a separate page, with its own set of fields.