I would like to be able to have custom filters for all Filter check boxes. For example, I would like to see only this year's donations, or members who joined last year, etc.
Ideally the filters would all use the same SQL logic/fields, and be available for all or just selected lists (e.g., [Last Name begins with 'G'] would be available for all filters, while [Donation greater than $1,000] would only apply to the Donations section).
I also imagine a grid maintenance view, where all custom filters are listed from top to bottom and the various sections are columns from left to right. Any filter that is not technically possible for any section is shaded out, and the administrator can select and de-select any of the available filters with a check box.

Evgeny Zaritovskiy commented
Yes, thank you. We will consider this during analysis.
Alex Yaroslavsky commented
I am talking about all search combo boxes that say "Filter" - Contacts, Event Attendees, Donations, etc. Does that help?
Evgeny Zaritovskiy commented
Alex, it's not clear of what filters and checkboxes you are talking. Could you please tell what system screens do you keep in mind?
As Dmitri mentioned, our idea was to allow use saved searches in filters of lists (like contact lists, donation lists, etc.). So administrator can create a search of required records, save it and later use it quickly as a filter.
Dmitry Buterin commented
Interesting idea. A bit similar to saved searches we already have but I guess integrated with filters UI.
I would appreciate comments from other users.