Validate e-mail addresses
Member registration does not validate emails. This is an extra concern for sites like ours where members can join for free. Anyone can make up an email address, or worse impersonate someone else. Once an email is used, it cannot be used by another person, even if the first person is not the owner of the address and the second person is.
Please consider adding an email validation check that sends an email and requires the applicant to use a code that was emailed (or click a link).

Nancy Wilkins-Diehr commented
This would also solve the problem where someone incorrectly types an email when registering for an event and then all future emails fail. Also, we can't correct the email for that person in the database. They have to be deleted, entered anew and re-registered which is a big problem.
Roger Brooks commented
Wishing Away commented
Verified email address. People sometimes accidentally mistype their email address or intentionally make a false email address. It would be great if the system could check the domains to make sure that they exist, i.e., if someone accidentally types in instead of and to prevent people from using throwaway accounts like those ending in
This would be incredibly helpful
Christian Kindel commented
It is absurd that email address validation is still not available. This is an extremely basic and necessary feature.
Anonymous commented
I would love to see email validation as well.
Anonymous commented
what the heck, Why cant we get email validation. seems so obvious and every site i go to has it
Anonymous commented
Validation of email accounts when a member (subscriber) signs up.
I want to use Wild Apricot to run and manage a digital subscription service (not run an association as such).
Fundamental to any online registration is validation that the email account entered belongs to the person filling in the online registration to become a member/subscriber (when they are applying for membership).
A message on the screen could have words to the affect;
Registration Successful
Thank you for registering.
What happens next?
You will receive an email to authenticate your registration. This is to ensure that your email address is not used without your permission.
After your email is verified, you will be added to our subscribers email distribution list and can log in and start reading articles, access subscriber resources.Then the Email to subscriber would contain text such as;
Thank you for registering with <name of business>.
Click here to confirm your email address and activate your account. (This line would be an URL)
Team at <company name> -
Linda Elsey commented
There has been a couple of incidents where people joining our association or registering for an event have incorrectly typed their email address, can a functionality be added for re confirming their email address. The was a person who had registered for an event but had incorrectly type their email address, and missed all the correspondence hence missed the event as well.
Anonymous commented
I noticed Dmitry indicated that the password is asked for twice now, however I tested it and it does not on my end. Has anyone else tested it and experienced it?
It asks for email address and then you enter the numbers/letters below, and then it goes to my form.
Rob Gill commented
Please add this to the form fields. It is critical to submitted members' data. When will this feature be added to Wild Apricot? It is long overdue.
Albert, thanks for sharing.
Anonymous commented
It is awesome to see your vision grow!
These are great changes and if you can incorporate automatic registrations for event attendees that will close the gap! What we do is when someone registers we convert them to a visitor so your change to register only once is a plus!
Years ago we spoke of email validation, we continue to get bad emails so if you can implement a verify email that compares to first email many will save time and calls in attempts to fix the email. It should have a protective feature where you cannot copy or past or autofill the second email. The clients we work with work hard to manage an accurate data base and this consideration would be a welcome one by all.
Albert R. Renteria
Chairman and CEO
A Service Disabled Veteran Owned Business
Benevolent Organization supporting Veterans
Chief Warrant Officer-4, U.S. Marine Corps (Retired)
Southwest Veterans' Business Resource Center
Founder and CEO®
Service Never Ends for a Marine! -
Darilyn Cole commented
Oh yes please. I'm so tired of finding bounced emails because someone transposed letters when inputting their email address on sign up.
PLEASE add email validation!!
Dave Waller commented
In the same way that an applicant must retype their email address to create a user account in order to become a member and contribute to this forum, we need this feature in Wild Apricot.
I also see that other forum posts have asked for the email verification feature (an email is sent so that the applicant must respond by clicking on an embedded link in order to self-activate the user account), which is also incorporated into the user community sign-up process.
Wild Apricot clearly benefits from the usefulness of these features for its own user community function, its time to see it within the Wild Apricot infrastructure.
Our website ends up with duplicate contacts and members, and the resulting confused event registrations, because of mis-typed email addresses. The verification feature would help. Please add a "re-type your email address" field to the subscription form!
Frank commented
We're planning on adding usernames as an alternative method of logging in, so the 'fake email' workaround won't be needed in the future ( see )
wpssc commented
If you validate email addresses, the workaround use of dummy email addresses for members who do not have an email address will no longer work.
Chris Cavanaugh commented
Great idea! A verification for email address input would be a great feature to prevent mistyping! Love to see it!
Kerrie-Anne commented
Given that email address is the primary identifier for contacts, I also think that email verification field is also warranted - I get loads of people signing up with incorrect email addresses - sometimes I can guess what it should be and change it when I receive the bounceback, but I can't always anticipate what the error is... it means I miss out on potential leads as a result.
payah commented
I am new to this and I am still setting up the database, so I have not actually used the system yet. My issue is as follows:
When a new member signs on, they have to provide their e-mail address. Since this is a very critical piece of information, is there is way for us to know if this e-mail address is erroneous? i.e., when the system automatically sends a confirmation to the member and the address is erroneous, is there a way for the admin to know this?
I think one of the ways to avoid the problem of errors in e-mail addresses is to add a second e-mail address field. The member will thus have to repeat the address so that the system can detect any inconsistency before it is submitted.