Gift Aid
Gift Aid is a big deal for UK charities.
Official description:
Generally, the way it works is that when a charity asks for a donation, they also ask the donor to tick a box to enable the charity to reclaim an additional tax element from the tax authority (if the donor is a UK tax payer).
Combined with a date field (which Wild Apricot doesn't yet provide!), we administrators could create a report/search query to pre-fill the relevant form to submit to the tax authority for the reclaim.

Anne Eady commented
This additional functionality would save our charity having to post paper forms to all members who enrol and renew online (most of them). We ask eligible members to tick the Gift Aid box but need an audit trail to prove to HMRC who ticked the box and when. We then also need the selection to be fixed so the member cannot untick the box without letting us know!
Evgeny Zaritovskiy commented
It's not clear what the suggestion is. You can use donation date as a date field, add custom checkbox field into donation form and use Export of donations after that to search donations that can be claimed.
Can you give more details on what you'd like to have in WA relating to this matter?