Provide Member View to admins without Membership
Currently administrators who are not signed up as members do not have access to the "go to member view" option when signed in.
This means that all of our staff need to be set up as members, and we need to create a separate member category that is not shown in our member listing on the user page for this. It seems unnecessary for there to be a workaround for a feature that we feel should be standard.
Administrators from the organization that has purchased the Wild Apricot software should have access to all of the features of the product, which should include viewing our website as our members see it.
Because we must all be listed as members to use this function, our membership numbers will never reflect what they actually are becuase we are considered members in this system. Although this is not a huge deal, again it is a workaround that seems unnecessary.
I would suggest that it be a standard feature of administrators to be able to use the member view feature.

buzzmaster56 commented
No, this is not enough. I have several different levels of members who receive access to different features. I need to be able to set a filter that would have the effect of making me seem to be a person with the credentials of a specific membership. I would also need a button which would clear that status and return me to my full administrative level.
CBL Roundtable -
Evgeny Zaritovskiy commented
Good question. Basically, it's replying and giving some examples from your perspective (scenarios or situations). We do not have yet a good voting system where everybody can see his votes, etc. For now you can go to your profile in the forum and and see your recent posts.
Malcolm de C commented
Hi Evgeny, my question is about understanding how the forum operates. Occasionally I notice that you or Dmitry ask members to 'vote' on an idea. Is voting achieved by just posting a reply or is there some other way for the community to cast a vote in favour of the change or against it?
I suppose what I am looking for is a list of all suggestions that are 'up for vote' where I can go and cast a simple: Yes, No or 'Happy either way', perhaps with a short comment box
Evgeny Zaritovskiy commented
Malcolm, I'm not sure I understood your question. The Wishlist forum itself is a place for community to publish there ideas and communicate around them.
Malcolm de C commented
Is there somewhere in the community where requests for feedback or voting are summarised or can be identified? I find it difficult to locate my own threads where the community has been asked its opinion let alone others
I don't think that there is any doubt that it is confusing - the question is whether or not soemthing should be done about it and if so what?
Is it possible to change this using global javascript or CSS?
Evgeny Zaritovskiy commented
Before 4.3 release it was named "To member view" but only members were able to log in. Now any contact can log in so we renamed the text. Does anybody else find it confusing?
Malcolm de C commented
A number of my members, who are also event organisers, have found the use of the term 'public view' confusing and did not immediately realize that the button 'To public view' in fact takes you to the Member view.
Given the title of this thread, would it not be more correct and less confusing if the button were to read 'To Member view'
Evgeny Zaritovskiy commented
Robbi, in the very recent release v4.3 any admin now can switch to "public view" and back (using top right corner link).
Is it enough for you to close the topic?
Robbi commented
Yes Dmitry and Evgny, you have both deduced the situation correctly.
Thanks for clrarifying
Evgeny Zaritovskiy commented
As far as I understand, what you actually need is an ability to review your site like from point of view of a specific member (level and status). I.e. how it looks for member of "Level 1" or "Level 2", for non-member, for "Lapsed member", etc. Right?
Dmitry Buterin commented
My point is not that I doubt that staff should have higher level-access but rather that since each member might have a slightly different view, we need to come up with a sensible way for staff to have somewhat matching view - otherwise preview makes less sense it would not match the view of any particular member. Am I making sense?
Robbi commented
Thanks for your feedback.
Personally I don't see an issue with access for us because we are staff. As staff we should have a higher-level access than any of our members, because we control what they see. Administrator settings can be set for each of our different staff members, but at the highest level we should be able to see everything that our members see so that we can ensure, as the staff of the membership organization itself, that our members are seeing what we want them to.
Does that make sense?
Dmitry Buterin commented
Thanks Robbi, it's a fair point, the challenge is that if admin is not a member, we need to figure out what to do with certain pages, e.g.
* What membership level should be assumed/emulated for access to member-only content, membership directory, event registration types etc.
* What to show instead of member own profile etc.
* Forms have to be disabled for actual processing (e.g. events, email subscriptions etc.)Bottom line I think in this case it would be something different like 'member preview' rather than member view for admins who are actually members - and I would appreciate thoughts from everyone on this.