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  1. Per Event admin privileges

    We would like to use the RSVP, attendance sheet, and mobile app checkin features. Unfortunately we have to grant full Admin access to people to do so. We have over 50 Tour Leaders and this simply won't work for us.
    For each event, you can add an Event Organizer email. We'd like to see that expanded to be able to assign Event Admin privileges to one or more people, specific to that Event. That way we can maintain site security while utilizing these features.

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  2. Automatic Early Renewal Discounts

    Discounts automatic (not a code) for annual renewal of membership.

    In the past we've manually edited each member's invoice to create an early payment discount.

    Request a less labor-intensive way of applying a limited time discount to all memberships.

    Or provide functionality to apply a credit to all memberships in a certain level.

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  3. Let Admins "un-void" an invoice

    We ABSOLUTELY need to be able to resurrect/"un-void" invoices that have been expired. It is possible that a member mails a check and it arrives after due date, but I will honor the post mark if it is before the deadline. I want to be able to "un-void" an invoice, and not need to generate a new one.

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  4. Add text description for questions

    Ability to add a detail description text box after the question and before the answers. It will better explain the question or provide members why we are asking question.

    Normally, we are voting on Bylaw changes, so we want to explain how it is today and the proposed bylaw.

    Or we are voting on a slate of officers and would like to put all of the officers and their proposed positions. Its an all or none vote.

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  5. Link Membership Registrations with Store Merchandise

    Key in optional store items to membership registrations (new and renewals). For instance, if someone completes a registration form, and it's paid, a cap or t-shirt order is placed into the Store (paid) with a reference back to the registration.

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    1 comment  ·  Online store  ·  Admin →
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  6. Break up the poll into multiple steps

    (From a client) Be able to break up the poll into multiple pages. useful for mobile apps and allowing users to save their response before continuing.

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  7. Replace Outdated Fonts

    The available fonts are extremely outdated. I wish there was a way to add some modern fonts. I see that others have posted this request.

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  8. Event Forums (member app)

    When creating an event, also create a temporary forum that participants are automatically subscribed to. The forum would be shown in the member app and they can post questions about their event right on the member app. (Similar post regarding forums being available on the app already exists). This request would tie in with that one. The new event forum would behave similar to description button in the app, but would open a conversation page where the participant or event leader or admin can post comments.

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  9. Include Domain Registration and Email Hosting to Plans

    Especially with the pretty sizable jump in pricing, it would sure be nice if Wild Apricot would allow a single-source for all of our website needs. What I would like to see is that through Wild Apricot they would offer DNS Domain Name Registration AND to also offer email hosting that all ties in to our site. This would allow me to quit paying someone else each year for domain renewals and email hosting. I would love it to be a full one-stop-shop.

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  10. Control how many blog posts are displayed by Blog gadget

    Currently, as I understand it, the stock Blog gadget displays up to 10 posts. I'd like the ability to choose how many posts to keep displayed on the root Blog Page. (Others seem to have asked for something similar but referencing the Recent Blog Posts gadget rather than the Blog gadget itself.)

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  11. Member & Volunteer Extended data

    I would like a tab where we can capture extended data beyond membership registration. For instance, a Volunteer extension could capture volunteer hours and interests. an Outreach tab could be used to track Member interests and answers to survey questions.

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  12. Larger Membership Card Template

    Make a template that is 2x larger this allows printing more information and when cut out it can be folded to current size.

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  13. Integration with "PayPal Here" on Android

    Integrate mobile app for administrators with PayPal Here in order to accept credit card payments.

    "PayPal Here" was integrated for iOS version in 1.8:

    Unfortunately we can't do this integration for Android due to lack of PayPal integration documentation. We will continue discussion with its support but frankly without any expectations.

    We'll post updates on this feature as soon as we'll have any progress. Feel free to subscribe on it in order to get it on your e-mail.

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    Dmitry Smirnov responded

    We are not going to take this into development, since PayPalHere does not provide any useful documentation for integration on android.

  14. financial macros for email blasts

    Organizations always end up with people who don't pay their invoice to renew their membership and they lapse. And while WA lets you do a search for these lapsed members and email them, it's not possible to insert a link to their unpaid invoice. Yes, you can give them "log in" links, but many people fumble with this and it creates lots of service issues and it's not particularly effective.

    If WA offered financial macros for email blasts, you could email lapsed members and just ask them to CLICK TO RENEW and pay the invoice online. No log in needed.…

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  15. Manualy register several attendees for event

    I would like to be able to manually register more than one contact/member at a time for an event, either through an import or by being able to put a check beside every contact/member I would like to manually register and being able to select "All" as well.

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  16. provide the custom result layout feature for event and regular contact searches in addition to member related searches.

    Members and Non-Members of our club register for outdoor trips and events. We need a printable list for the trip leader to carry when away from electronic devices which has custom registrant details from their profiles - like phone numbers. The available reports and layout for Registrants do not provide this option. The reply from support contained this: "Unfortunately, you can only apply custom result layout to member-related searches. This feature is not available for event and regular contact searches."

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  17. Group coordinator

    There is no ‘group coordinator’ role so we have had to deal with this by having extra fields. I have to export the data and then write my own code to send an email to group coordinators with a list of their members. Group coordinators cannot send an email to their members from Wild Apricot. Some group coordinators do not have email and we use a buddy system. Again we cannot send an email from WA to all group coordinators that allows for this.

    We have nearly 200 groups so these issues are significant.

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  18. System Preferences

    The more I read Wish List ideas the more I am convinced that what WA desperately needs is "System Preferences". The more complexity you build in, the more you lose sight of what makes this software great, It's Simplicity. Surely it makes sense that a lot of the extras we all crave should be part of a System User Preference Pane. There are many examples where this could already be useful. Event management is riddled with options that many do not require or only partly require. Membership management is the same.
    Please Consider

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  19. Allow me to search for a blank value in a drop-down field

    In a text field, I can search for a particular value, or the field being empty or not empty. But in a drop-down list I can only search for a particular value or not a value. I cannot search for a blank in a drop-down.

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  20. Automatically delete or archive pending new memberships after certain number of days.

    We have an ongoing issue with people who fill out the memberhisp form then never pay membership fees. These pending new members never expire. I would like to see those with a "pending new" status that are unpaid after 30 days be automatically deleted/archived & the invoice deleted.

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