Let Admins "un-void" an invoice
We ABSOLUTELY need to be able to resurrect/"un-void" invoices that have been expired. It is possible that a member mails a check and it arrives after due date, but I will honor the post mark if it is before the deadline. I want to be able to "un-void" an invoice, and not need to generate a new one.

AJ Clancy commented
Please create a "revival" option on voided invoices. Most membership programs have the ability to cancel a void. This is VERY useful.
Wade Dugas commented
I created invoice which replaces a voided invoice. It was voided automatically due to the PayPal payment not being completed in 15 minutes. The member received an error in PayPal but was able to correct it after the 15 minute timeout. The PayPal payment was made against the original invoice which I had to delete. Wild Apricot does needs to have a mechanism to restore a voided invoice. I had to create a new invoice and then delete the PayPal payment. I then had to record a manual payment to get the account settled. This is a lot of work and also means the PayPal transaction will not match any transaction in Wild Apricot. Please fix this!