financial macros for email blasts
Organizations always end up with people who don't pay their invoice to renew their membership and they lapse. And while WA lets you do a search for these lapsed members and email them, it's not possible to insert a link to their unpaid invoice. Yes, you can give them "log in" links, but many people fumble with this and it creates lots of service issues and it's not particularly effective.
If WA offered financial macros for email blasts, you could email lapsed members and just ask them to CLICK TO RENEW and pay the invoice online. No log in needed. No duplicate memberships created when members fail to renew properly. No extra steps in the renewal process. Just click, pay, and your membership is brought up to date and your renewal date adjusted.

Roger Brooks commented
It is an enormous PITA that invoice macros are not available in membership renewal reminders. Both we and our members prefer direct bank transfer to payment via PayPal, but it is very difficult to match up the payments to the invoices without the invoice number. We therefore have to ask our members to log in and find the invoice number or to look up the original invoice e-mail in order to pay their (often already late) membership dues. Please make *all* invoice macros available in *every* mail template which is associated with *anything* billable!
Dean, thanks for commenting.
Agree that login function is not easy for members and could avoid them from renewing. We have several ideas how to improve this process and are working on this within this thread
If your members already have unpaid renewal invoices you can add the link to invoice to renewal reminders, the {Invoice_Details_URL} macro. By using this link they can pay it without logging into the profile.
Katya, Astra crew
Membership management features @ Wild Apricot