Option to dial members number from mobile app
When you are using the mobile app, it would be nice if you were able to dial the members number from the app by clicking on the number after to do a member search. Once you locate the member that you are looking for it would be nice just to click on the number and call them.

Julie Strickland commented
Our members love the new app but it would be nice to be able to click on a member phone number, in the directory, from the app, and have it populate into a call rather than having to copy down the number and then make the call.
Jody at GCT Office commented
The ability to have at least two, dialable phone numbers in the Membership App would fit our needs. We would have "Main" and "Alternate" rather than specifiying the type, i.e. Home, Cell, or Office, etc.
Kelly Hart commented
We have both home phone and cell phone common fields. In the mobile app for members, both numbers are listed but only the home phone can be clicked to dial.
Note: the previous comment was about the app for admins. The app for members allows calling by the number pointed in the "Phone" field.
It is working like that already.
All phone-like fields are highlighted in the Member details screen. You can tap on them and make a call.