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3403 results found
Family/child memberships
We are providing a web site for our cub parents and scouts and scout parents and we find we have say 2 parents and their 2 children as 4 members, but the parents and children share a family address, the younger children do not have their own address nor do mothers or fathers want the children to have gmail addresses or things like that, so allowing multiple members with one email address would be an improvement for us. A username and password of their choosing preferable to one WA generate.
The situation also arrises where parents would like email to…
208 votes -
Change the default image size for picture fields and make it customizable
I am using the Image Upload as part of my Registration Form. This image has a Max Size of 110 X 110 which appears very small, and there is no way to enlarge it. I encourage members to use the Photo Albums to upload additional images because these images in the Photo Albums do display a little larger. The main profile photo is what you see in the Member Directory and it is too small. It would be nice to have a click/mouse-over feature to make the image display a little larger. Thank You.
73 votesEvgeny Zaritovskiy responded
Current proposal: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B0f9kMyQqlBsV1UzVVYwS21ZU28/view?usp=sharing
We do not have plans yet on when we’re going to deliver on this.
Logo field for Events
Include a field for event logos in the Event form that can be displayed in the listing and other communications regarding the event
15 votes -
Gadget to display member images (logos/pictures)
I would like to be able to insert a widget-like window on any page, or in the header/footer area, that would scroll the logo images from member records.
The window would simply scroll the logos as links to the member. Ideally, administrators could provide a title for the box (ie "Our Members" etc.). Adding search capabilities would allow us to create different scolling sets as well (ie one box could be all members, another could be based on location - state, province, city etc.)
13 votes -
Charts and visualizations
We're always looking for ways to make Wild Apricot more useful, and also more exciting and fun. One thing that can actually do both is the use of graphs and visualizations. They're handy to track progress of your activities, and can also be put into sideshows and reports. We've had a lot of people ask for a way to quickl summarize their organization in a series of charts
Like anything cool and fun (and useful!) it can take a while to develop them, and there's nothing we dislike more than spending a lot of time on something that doesn't meet…
7 votes -
Ability to donate during membership application/renewal or event registration
Current features:
Visitors/members are not prompted to make donation while they are performing other payments (e.g. membership renewals, event registrations,etc)Desired features:
Admins have the ability to enable donations to be made during event registrations, membership applications/renewals or other payments.367 votesWe're considering to take Donations during registrations/applications into development right now, but during analysis of the feature we ran into an issue where we would love to hear your feedback.
Essense of question: how would you like donations during applications or registration to be processed for offline payments (when your member/prospect decided to get an invoice and pay later)?
Some more details:
We can implement donations during event registrations/membership renewals for online payments - not a problem.
But when we're talking about offline payments, straighforward solution seems to be a bit expensive - we don't have invoices for donations or pledges yet.
So right now we're considering going on with straighforward online payments solution (donation will be added to payment transaction) and for offline payments - just include an invoice memo to buyer to add $XXX to his payment as donation for event/membership he has selected.
This way administrators would…
Tags for blog
Yes i ditto that--we need to have tags available for our blog posts. This is a basic feature of blogs now that greatly improve the user experience as well as one to rank in google for keywords/tags.
134 votes -
Add limitation by Groups to Registration Types for Events
Current behavior:
When creating a registration type it can be set to everyone, members, or members of a selected membership levelDesired Behavior:
Create the ability to limit registrations to members of a group. This way admins can create a group, for example board members and make sure that only they can sign up for board meetings or executive events.45 votes -
Late Fees on Renewals
Memberships that renew have a renewal date associated with them. If the member has not initiated the renewal after the date, automatic actions can take place, such as changing the membership status, etc. Actions can progress over days: for example at 7 days the membership might change status to Pending Renewal, and at 14 days be archived.Proprosed:
Along with these changes, a "overdue fee" could be added as an extra cost fee. Depending on how much time has passed since the registration date, the admin could choose to apply this charge as a flat amount. For example, if…105 votes -
Customize event registration form for each reg. type
In Events, I'd like to have custom registration forms associated with each registration type instead of one single registration form for the whole event (all types). This would allow me to create more complex event registrations. Example: A three-day conference has two types of registrants (Individual and Professional) at different prices. Each one has an early-bird price as well. In addition, each one can choose to register for one day, two days, or all three days -- all at prorated prices.
To do this today, I have to create separate events for Individuals and Professionals, then customize those event reg.…
215 votes -
Event gadget formatted as Mini Calendar
I have the listed events gadget already in use. What I was wanting was a mini map that would show dates, and the viewer can click on the date and get specific events happening on that date. I also want to show the current events gadget as well on the home page.
I would like to have a gadget that shows a working "Mini Calendar" like the one below for the home page.
Something like this:
5 votes -
Custom URLs for Member Profile Pages
I would like to be able to make http://www.peninsulashops.com/Content/Members/MemberPublicProfile.aspx?pageId=379519&memberId=1508400 into http://www.peninsulashops.com/bensautotech or http://www.peninsulashops.com/Content/Members/bensautotech.
This would greatly help with search engine indexing and site mapping.
25 votes -
Separate macro for day of week, month or year from the Event_Date macro
We would like a date macro that just contains the date, i.e. 5th February 2010 and does not have ", Friday" added at the end as Event_Date does at present.
We use this in our event announcements emails like this:
You are invited to {EventTitle} to be held at {Location} on {EventDate} starting at {Event_Time}
and having "Friday" inserted in that sentence makes little sense.
Best regards
Ian Tilley
worthing and adur chamber of commerce
www.worthingandadurchamber.co.uk15 votes -
Organization Chart
Current situation
No way to automatically create Organization chartsDesired
Simple way to create Organization charts5 votes -
Customizing the donation confirmation page
Two suggestions for the donation confirmation / receipt page that a person gets after they make an online donation:
1) Make the page include the name of the organization that the person donated to. Currently, the page shows the date and amount of the donation, but not the name of the organization. Donors will want to have that info for their records.
2) Make it possible for administrators to customize this page.
10 votes -
Events - my members own widget(s) for their own website
WISH LIST: with EVENTS I would like a solution to make it possible to place a "widget" of a single member's events on their own website. In other words, if we have say 500 members in total as an example, specific members could have this widget to display events on their website of ONLY their own events they have entered on our website (or by tags if they want to include other member events as well, but first things first).
This could be a serious win win situation as it would help Wild Apricot clients (all of us) with a…
4 votes -
Renewal discount when renewing for several years
My club, The Carp Anglers Group, offers one year membership for $25. Before we used WA, we managed our membership with checks in the mail and an excel spreadsheet. We accepted $25 for one year, but offered a discount if a member joined for 3 years- $65 instead of 75.
The only way to replicate this currently in WA is with more levels. That won't work for us. We have levels of membership already set up for USA, Mexico, Canada, and an E-membership. Adding 2 more levels to each of these would be very difficult, plus then I could not…
7 votes -
Admin will have the ability to create a surveySurveys are comprised of multiple questions, which are often inter-related or at least all concern a similar subject. Members or guests would have to ability to participate in a survey and answer the questions. Admins would be able to view the survey in the administrative side of the site and be able to see the ongoing results for each survey. Additionally, admins may only invite a certain group of people to participate in a survey.
There are a number of ways that this can be done, and a…
137 votes -
Make all images in Member Directory same width and height.
Hello, is there code that can resize all images in the Member Directory? My images all seem to be of different width and height. I would like to have them all the same size. It would look a lot cleaner. Thank you.
4 votes -
Allow adding non-member contacts to Groups
I just sent my first email blast to a group of contacts to follow up on a promotion, and found that there is not a way to assign a contact to a group. I just wanted to send an email to a very specific group of contacts (those that had attended a recent ski show, and entered our raffle). I thought I'd be able to assign them to a new group "ski show" so that I could send them a separate mailing. (What I ended up doing, was temporarily disabling mailing on other contacts, which thankfully right now we have…
75 votes
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