Event gadget formatted as Mini Calendar
I have the listed events gadget already in use. What I was wanting was a mini map that would show dates, and the viewer can click on the date and get specific events happening on that date. I also want to show the current events gadget as well on the home page.
I would like to have a gadget that shows a working "Mini Calendar" like the one below for the home page.
Something like this:

apdefriez commented
It would be nice as a widget as it would take up much less space on a web-page. Currently I link to a public calendar maintained on Wild Apricot to our main site. Due to constraints based on our main site design (which I inherited) the current iFrame embedding way we have to do this leads to within page scrolling (current calendar format way too large)
shloopa commented
This would be a great tool! Am very interested in adding to my site. Any other info on this ?
Dmitry Buterin commented
Interesting idea, I would appreciate comments from other users.