Renewal discount when renewing for several years
My club, The Carp Anglers Group, offers one year membership for $25. Before we used WA, we managed our membership with checks in the mail and an excel spreadsheet. We accepted $25 for one year, but offered a discount if a member joined for 3 years- $65 instead of 75.
The only way to replicate this currently in WA is with more levels. That won't work for us. We have levels of membership already set up for USA, Mexico, Canada, and an E-membership. Adding 2 more levels to each of these would be very difficult, plus then I could not look at the USA membership as a whole as easily as I can now.
So, I am really hoping you can add some kind of way to have various payment options within levels to accommodate this kind of wholesale situation.

Carol Gosart commented
We need this option as well
Tina Goeske commented
Would love to be allowed to offer discounts on renewals ($ value or any %). I believe discounts are currently only allowed on new memberships.
Tom Berry commented
We now offer discounted two- and three-year renewals. WA currently presents a renewal button with the date one year from the member's current expiration date. We need buttons with the two- and three-year dates as well. it makes absolutely no sense to me why WA would consider these to be different levels of membership; with four levels of membership to which the discounts apply, we would have to have a dozen levels to account for the second and third years. It would be a lot simpler to just treat them for what they are - renewals for two or three years instead of one.
Dmitry Buterin commented
I understand what you need and this makes sense but realistically I know we will not be able to consider this at least for 12 months - too much other stuff already in the pipeline.
One workaround I can suggest is to use an extra cost field on the membership application and adjust the renewal date manually after the fact.