Late Fees on Renewals
Memberships that renew have a renewal date associated with them. If the member has not initiated the renewal after the date, automatic actions can take place, such as changing the membership status, etc. Actions can progress over days: for example at 7 days the membership might change status to Pending Renewal, and at 14 days be archived.
Along with these changes, a "overdue fee" could be added as an extra cost fee. Depending on how much time has passed since the registration date, the admin could choose to apply this charge as a flat amount. For example, if they renew within 7 days of the renewal date, there might not be a lapsed fee. But, if they renew 14 days or more after the renewal date, they may have to pay $20 late fee. This is to encourage members to renew early.

Karen commented
We use the 'limit renewal to within X months/days' for 2 purposes:
1. allow early renewals, 2 months before the annual expiry date of 1 Jan
2. allow renewals up until membership benefits lapse, 3 months after expiry date (i.e. members lapse automatically at 31 MarWe need two limit fields to handle this, not just 1! As it is, we need to go in and change this field from 3 to 2 months on 31 Mar for all of our 20+ levels.
Moreover, within the early renewal period, existing members who change levels should be treated as renewals, not as new members (i.e. their renewal date does not currently update update correctly if they change levels as they are charged for the current year as well as requiring payment for the renewal year!)
Sylvia Lake Country Club commented
Yes, please! And add the email function (with message section like invoice) for account statements! After 30 days, we charge a 1% late fee, and in addition to being tedious, editing an invoice that has been issued is not good accounting practice. If we add new manual invoices for late fees, then we cannot really use resending the invoice as an incentive for payment. The account statement cannot be emailed from the system, making the entire process cumbersome, regardless of which work-around we choose.
Nollind van Bryce commented
We are going deal with late membership renewals fees by adding a mandatory custom membership form field on the day that the late fees come in effect (for each type of membership). We will then have to manually deactivate these fields (change the membership type to an admin field at the end of the membership year so members can renew during the on-time renewal period without the late fee). Tedious.
sarah commented
YES! This is needed with all my clients! We are having to manually go in after a certain date and add a line to each invoice to add the late fee and then resend out!
Michael Weible commented
Generating automatic late fees as a part of the renewal process.
Jill A. Boltz commented
Having the ability to add a late fee and create the interval (30, 60, 90 day) would be helpful otherwise there is no incentive to renewing on time creating more housekeeping on the backend.
Aida Najarian commented
Yes yes yes. This feature is very needed for all the reasons others have given.
RHYC Web commented
Yes, we need this feature!
Crystal Lapp commented
Hey! Any update on this? It's been in demand for a few yrs now.
Anonymous commented
This would be a FABULOUS addition to the platform. Would love to see this soon.
Anonymous commented
PLEASE add this feature! We NEED this for our association. We lose a lot of money because we don't have this feature!
PMSC Membership commented
A late fee option would be very helpful if possible. We have around 2500 members if they are not paid by January 7th a $25 late fee needs added, and if not paid by March 31st, I archive them. As of now I have to go in and automatically add the late fee when they send a check the problem then comes in that members can log on and pay and if it is after the 7th they are not being charged a late fee. Please add a late fee option where we are able to put the amount and the dates the late fee needs to be attached to all pending renewals.
Theresa "Tracy" Gibson commented
PLEASE, please, please!! I need an early bird, regular, and late fee option.
BBT Social Chair commented
We have an Early payment discount also so it would be great if this functionality was implemented for either side of the renewal date.
Add $___ after __ days before renewal for ___. <- Freeform text to be included as Invoice line item note.
Dan Sanders commented
I agree this is needed.
Brian Roy commented
When accounts are overdue, it would be great to have the ability to charge interest monthly.
MikeT commented
This is a critical collection and business process very common in association memberships. What is the status of this important feature?
Add $___ after __ days from renewal date membership type for unpaid balance. Allow __ days grace period for late fee.
Add %___ after __ days from renewal date membership type for unpaid balance. Allow __ days grace period for late fee. -
Peter commented
I agree with the concept, but would much prefer to handle it as follows: If a membership lapses the next renewal date is set to one period from the date the membership lapsed. (not the date that the membership is reactivated)
In our case what happens at the moment is that some people wait until after their membership lapses and then renew. If this takes a while when they finally go and reactivate their membership, the new renewal date is one year from the date they reactivated not one year from the renewal date. This effectively gives them a holiday and there is an incentive to pay late and renew only when there is some exciting event coming up. We won't want to discourage them by asking for a late fee, after all, many of our members are freelancers and could be having a bad patch. But they they should pay their back dues, and this would be a way of doing that without making a big deal of it.
SueLA commented
I vote for this too. Our membership chair just asked me if I could set this up and I'll have to tell her no, not at this time.
Susan Culligan commented
We need this badly! We extend a 30-day grace period for late renewals and this incurs a $25 charge, but on the first day of our grace period I have to go in and change the price of renewals for all our levels, then make sure the notice that goes out states that the late fee will be included in their renewal.
A simple option to click with a late renewal fee preset for the day after the renewal deadline would be super-fantastic and save this already overburdened Director of Technology from another manual job that seems like it would be so easy to automate.
Thank you!