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3404 results found
Limiting discount codes
In a previous event registration system I used, I could create coupon codes and then limit the number of times it could be used. The way that I used it was to create each of my sponsor companies their own code, and then limit it to however many discounts they were allowed (i.e. one level of sponsorship gets 2 free attendees to all events, so I would make the coupon be a 100% discount and limit it to being used twice).
Right now, it appears that you can do ONE coupon per registration level. I prefer not to do that…
11 votes -
Ability to post past events
It would be really cool if WA could have a gadget that could present the recent past events, much like there is a gadget to present upcoming events. That would help major for what we are doing.
- jl
11 votes -
need different receipt for membership/event
It appears that we have 2 customizable receipts:
Payment receipt
Donation receipt
However, we would like to give different wording on receipts for membership versus events. Our memberships are tax deductible, so we need to include our non-profit, tax deductible blurb on that receipt. But it could be confusing for someone who pays for a class, as those payments are not tax deductible. Any chance for help on this?
11 votes -
Macros in the Email Editor
Whenever we view an email in the system, any macro appears with a yellow highlight. When we go into edit mode the highlight goes away and we only have the curly braces (as in {macro}) to indicate where the macros are.
However, if a database column has its header changed, all macros that refer to that column now fail quietly and the {incorrectmacroname} and its curly braces are sent to the recipient. This looks very unprofessional and it would be good if we had a better way to detect the error.
How about: Wherever a text string surrounded…
11 votes -
Print Calendars in Landscape Mode
Would be very helpful to have the ability to print the calendars in landscape mode one month at a time for handouts (currently it seems to do a random number of weeks based on the current date), and control the fonts.
11 votes -
Enhancements for dealing with lapsed members
I understand that this most recent software update has introduced a change in the way that lapsed members are handled. Let's assume that we have WA set up so that renewal is once per year and occurs on the member's join date. According to the way I understand the online documentation, if a member is lapsed, then if they renew, a new renewal date is assigned, meaning that they don't owe any back dues. However, if a member is active and they are in arrears, they then do owe the back dues. (It's not clear from the documentation how this…
11 votes -
New field type - rich text formatting
It would be a nice feature to allow the members to bold, underline, italicize and make list using this word processing control for thier descriptions.
11 votes -
Search criteria - NOT
We are a new user and have uploaded the member lists from data in our desktop database. Now we need to be sure that all our users have reset their passwords (senior group, some with limited computer skills).
We did find a way to see everyone who had logged in at least once. Admin area > Members > Advanced Search criteria: Last login date. This suited our situation because if they were able to login, that meant they had reset their passwords.
What we couldn’t get, however, was a search list of those who had never logged in. We worked…
11 votes -
Gadget to show recently updated pages
Current behavior:
users have no way of knowing which webpages have been recently updated - unless administrator manually creates a page informing them of updates.Desired behavior:
Some kind of module/widget which can be inserted onto any page and which dynamically would show most recent updates.Notes:
1) ideally track which pages users has already seen.
2)What's the best way to show updates? Simplest idea: Top 10 mostrecently updated pages. For each page - show page name, date updatedand user who updated it (probably show this only to logged in members,not to the public)11 votes -
More Flexible DKIM Support
Since WildApricot only supports sending mail from our domain, we also use a separate e-mail provider to allow both sending and receiving mail in our domain using standard mail applications and web clients. I expect that the situation is the same for most organizations using WildApricot.
In order to improve security, to hinder spamming and to prevent our domain mail from being blacklisted, we would like to add DKIM validation for that alternate. provider.
However, like WildApricot (and most mail providers) our mail service is hard-wired to use the DKIM selector "default". This is understandable, since they have no reason…10 votes -
qr code for web pages
Provide means to generate a QR code for an Event Page, the Home Page, any page or anchor, so we can put them in emails and posts and provide easier link to our pages. Inserting links is great but younger members want QR codes.
10 votes -
Change fee to donation when event is cancelled and member doesn't request a refund.
We had to re-schedule an event and so some registrants could not attend. Several wanted to donate their fee rather than get a refund. There should be a way to do this. Cancelling a registration results in automatic voiding of the invoice and leaves a balance in the member's account with no way to re-direct the payment.
10 votes -
Customized app logo
Change app icon to organizations logo
10 votes -
duplicate event registration dates
When duplicating an event, it's great the registration types and emails copy over, too. The emails adjust their dates accordingly (i.e. 7 days prior, etc.), but the ticket registration availability and closing dates do not (i.e. they stay the same, sometimes a year in advance!). Is there a way to have ticket registration dates also adjust to 7 days prior, or whatever the setting is?
10 votes -
View email after it's scheduled
After scheduling an email to go out, allow for preview & sending of test email without pausing/unscheduling it.
10 votes -
Online Store Checkout
Some of these ideas have been touched upon by users, and I haven't read through all 321 online store suggestions however I suggest:
1. Add a "Ship To NAME" to the Shipping Address screen. Those ordering items for gifts, etc. need to put in the actual recipient's name.
2. Make the shipping charges correspond to the Quantity Ordered, e.g. for 1 item ordered, one fee; for 10 items ordered, another fee. Could automatically be added once the item qty is selected.
3. Allow Orders to be edited by Admin. (Suggested by others also.)10 votes -
member can apply discount to existing invoice
apply a discount at checkout, and validate the discount is applicable for that items being invoiced.
10 votes -
Enable tagging members in discussion forums
Enable tagging members on discussion forum posts so they are notified that they've been tagged and so other members can quickly view that members' profile.
10 votes -
Events Email Editor
The editor within the Events Email section seems severely limited compared to the editor in the Email section.
Can you use the the Email Editor within the Events Email section?
10 votes -
"Apply for Membership" during event registration redirects to wrong page.
Major bug that needs to be prioritized for immediate fix! The "Apply for Membership" box during event registration redirects person to the wrong membership application page. We have two pages that have membership application gadget on them; one for members and one for sponsors. The "Apply for Membership" process is redirecting user to the sponsor application page, instead of the member application page. We need to tell that "Apply for Membership" process which page it needs to redirect to. I have tried swapping the pages and that did not work. No work-around identified. Needs immediate bug fix!
10 votes
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