Ability to post past events
It would be really cool if WA could have a gadget that could present the recent past events, much like there is a gadget to present upcoming events. That would help major for what we are doing.
- jl

Roger Brooks commented
There is a workaround for this:
1. Create a new page for past events.
2. Copy the Page ID from the "General" section of the page.
3. Add an Event Calendar gadget to the page.
4. In the gadget settings, enable "Show past events" and choose "List" as "Default view".
5. To suppress the appearance of upcoming events, insert the following in the site's CSS, substituting the copied paged ID for NNNNN:
div#idUpcomingEventsContainer.upcomingEventsOuterContainer div.upcomingEventsContainer ul.boxesList {
display: none;
} -
Roger Brooks commented
I can't believe this has only 10 votes! As mentioned in https://forums.wildapricot.com/forums/308932-wishlist/suggestions/8828056-list-of-past-events-on-a-calendar, past events are good advertising. Showing the public what we've been doing is a way to attract new members. Furthermore, presenters at our events often allow us to post their slides or other supplemental material from the event on our website. For lack of a better place (see https://forums.wildapricot.com/forums/308932-wishlist/suggestions/8825776-after-event-materials-link-for-presentation-docume#comments and https://forums.wildapricot.com/forums/308932-wishlist/suggestions/8827870-allow-members-to-post-comments-pre-post-events), we usually add them as attachments to the event. Those interested in these materials will have a much easier time finding them in a list of past events in reverse chronological order than they will searching through the calendar gadget.
Pam Allen commented
We run many trips and people like to see where past events have been. If there is a gadget like the "upcoming events" one, I can add it to our pages. The calendar is too cumbersome, since we only have 5 events per year and they would have to keep scrolling to see each year.
Sarah Bateman commented
I'd like a gadget to list past events that would be shown to the public. Any upcoming events are only allowed to be shown to members.
sean commented
We would like to post articles for a past event, as a write-up; with pics. It would be nice if they could be organized the same way as events. Or even better, if an Event became a Past Event after the event date. Then we could add an aftermath article and add photos.
Dmitry Buterin commented
Can you elaborate - why would you need a gadget to list past events?