Macros in the Email Editor
Whenever we view an email in the system, any macro appears with a yellow highlight. When we go into edit mode the highlight goes away and we only have the curly braces (as in {macro}) to indicate where the macros are.
However, if a database column has its header changed, all macros that refer to that column now fail quietly and the {incorrectmacroname} and its curly braces are sent to the recipient. This looks very unprofessional and it would be good if we had a better way to detect the error.
How about: Wherever a text string surrounded by {curly braces} is found which is not a proper macro, instead of ignoring it, highlight it in red. You already highlight the macros in yellow, can you not highlight the {non_macros} in red?
I have over 70 emails in my membership levels and any help in managing them would be appreciated.

Walt Bilofsky commented
There are a lot of macro suggestions scattered around. This should be treated as one modification and looked at globally.
Macros should be more generalized and available system-wide, not just in emails but in all text usage, including website pages.
CVMG web Administrator commented
The use of macros seems unnecessarily restrictive.
Can we have all macros work for all types of emails? Or, put another way: put tick marks in all boxes of the table in the Macros by Email Type on this Help page: -
Dmitry Buterin commented
Thanks, that's a very important point for us to keep in mind.
Gordon Stewart commented
A scan for invalid macros would wonderful if we could do it at a high enough level. If there were a single button that invoked a scan of all emails and checked the validity of all macros, I'd say YES, even if it only scanned membership new/renewal related emails.
However, if the scan is invoked as a by-product of the "Save" function after an email is edited, I'd prefer the color coding scheme I described initially.
These broken macros are at the bottom of a cascade of design issues. Wild Apricot does not provide a way to name data fields in the member/event databases. When an membership entry form is being built we describe the data we need and that description is then used as the field name. For instance, I have a membership field "Family Member 1, do not include yourself (First and Last name) (and age if under 18)". This entire text string then becomes the field (or column) name. A year or so ago I added the comma to this description/name and in doing so broke the membership confirmation macro in twelve of my membership emails. Someone pointed it out to me last week.
So, to be of value a scan for broken macros would have to be a high level, perhaps an additional option under Settings -> E-Mails.
Of course it would simplify the field naming issue if we had the option of adding descriptive text to the data entry forms with a tool similar to the current Section Divider but without the limitations of the Section Divider.
Dmitry Buterin commented
Gordon, good point.
I wonder if we should take it a step further: scan emails and and provide a warning if it contains unrecognized macro. What do you think?