Generalize Macros to All Text and Allow Custom Macros
Suggestions have been made to use macros in email blasts and text of site pages, and to allow the admin to create macros.*
I sugest that macros be generalized and any system macro allowed in any of these contexts, and anywhere else an admin enters text, such as event details ...
And allow the admin to create arbitrary macros that apply system-wide.
(And a macro for Event_Organizer would be handy so the event details could automatically tell people who to email for info and registration changes.)

Anthony DelSorbo commented
I'd like to reinforce the need to have many more generalized macros - especially as they apply to dates and numbers. For one example, we send out regular emails that originate from a template where we request replies from members by X number of days before the end of the month. Since months don't end on the same date (28,29,30,31) we typically have to change this by hand. It would help to be able to have a macro such as (eom_day - X} where X could be whatever value the admin decides. For example, if the e-mail template contains {eom_day - 1} the value yielded would be 30 for the month of May and 29 for April. Today, we do this manually by changing the value in the template. This feature would go far in making the process easier and reducing human error.
Walt Bilofsky commented
Shouldn't the Wishlist suggestions above, and this one, and also be merged? And a number of other macro suggestions too.
Robin Sapiro commented
In addition to defining custom macros such as {President} etc to be used in any web page and any email, also allow the use of the current profile based macros such as {Member Field First name} to be used in web pages as well as in emails.
This would provide a much more personalized experience for pages that are restricted to certain membership levels etc
Trent Andreas commented
I think this is a great idea!. I would like to see the ability to create macros based on fields in a form. This would be VERY useful.
Tracy commented
I would like to see a few different macros for the Event_Organizer: name, email, and cell phone number.
Walt Bilofsky commented
Another example of the utility of admin-defined macros: Define {President} to be the name of the current organization president.
This could be used on a web page listing the officers, in the signatures of many automatically generated emails that should come from the president, etc.
Then when a new president takes over, just change the macro.