Custom macros for email blasts
Some organizations have positions like president, vice president, treasurer etc who are used int he signature lines of emails. The holders of these positions might change frequently (annually). This means that someone might have to be responsible to go through all emails and change them so that the name of the new person is used as the signature.
Give administrators the ability to create custom macros. These would be then be assigned a value as part of configuring the macro. Admin could then define what types of emails these should be available to (Membership, Events, All etc). When creating the email they could then add these custom macros, which would update whenever the value is changed.

Gordon Stewart commented
This is a proposal to provide a "FileMacro" which would hold the name of a small file containing some text (html?) that could be inserted into the email at run time.
A FileMacro might look like "{resources/documents/macros/{Member_Level}name_of_snippet.html}". Note that there is a regular {Member_Level} macro embedded within this file name.
At run time the system would expand any standard macro within the FileMacro to create a valid path/file.txt file name.
When the system sees the FileMacro it would insert it into the email. If there is a standard system macro within the snippet, it too would be expanded.
For instance, FileMacro such as
when running at Gold Level would expand to
"{resources/documents/macros/Gold Level_welcome.txt}".
The system would search for that file, expand any macros within it and insert it in the email. It does nothing if the file is not found.With this tool we could modify the text of a membership email in the same way as we can use a Macro to modify the member details at present.
This would dramatically reduce the number of custom membership emails required.Thanks, Gordon
Susannah Haan commented
What would be fabulous would be to be able to change email signature in templates when volunteers change e.g. all emails from President to change from Marie to Susannah, rather than manually changing each one.
Trent Andreas commented
Creating Macros from any field on a form (custom as well as common) would be VERY useful in customizing emails.
Garry Swanson commented
At times, we think it might be useful to include a custom field that initiates an action (i.e. "Yes, keep me in mind for volunteering") that would flag their profile. The profiles already have a field that is filled out as part of the initial membership sign up process, but it isn't filled out for another year. -
Randall (Randy) Rensch commented
While I'm at it, we could use the abililty for commenters to edit typos in their own comments ... :-)
"a 'swipe' template used only FOR copying from, ..." -
Randall (Randy) Rensch commented
There are so many typical uses for stock language that I'm surprised it's not already a capability. For example the email header (or text that appears above it), and especially the footer (which can be a LOT of text and links, any part of which might need to be globally changed at any time.) A workaround would be to provide users with HTML code they could paste in, or a "swipe" template used only from copying from, but that requires extra work and user expertise with every email: the need for which the WA model is (or should be) intended to avoid.
Rolf Kasper commented
Sounds like this will allow me to put copyright info that rolls with the year in my emails.
Ericka commented
Please please do this!!
Susan Culligan commented
Excellent! We would also use this for Events, for adding fields such as Presenter. I can think of many uses for custom macros.
Walt Bilofsky commented
This is useful. But I suggest it could be made more general.
Judy Nelson-Moore commented
I vote yes to this item. It would be useful, for example, to have a link in an email to the membership manager or events manager.
iant commented
Would definitely be useful, gets our vote!!
worthing and adur chamber of commerce -
Dmitry Buterin commented
Sounds like a cool idea!