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  1. we have search for 'last' or 'current', what about 'next'?

    the advanced search capability makes it sooooo easy to search for last month or year, or this month or year, but what about 'next month'? Please add that to the easy-access search criteria.

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  2. Make saved searches visible to members at member directory page

    We would like to have a number of "canned" common searches available at the top of Member Directory. The Admin creates and saves a search then makes this available to others. Access should be selectable to "All members", and to each of different Admin levels.

    We have members who are likely to do the same search and the only option is to give them instructions and for them to create the advanced search each time. Equally Admins are likely to be doing a search for features that they are responsible for eg renewals, this is easier because they can save…

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  3. Count of Comments

    It would be nice for each members post to have a counter to indicate what number post it is. This way sites could do contests and give away things to the first one to reach 50 or 100 comments. It could help encourage participation.

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  4. Exporting of credit card type

    It would be really great if there was a way to export the type of credit card used in the payment export. We balance our deposits into our bank account and American Express is deposited separate from all other bank cards. It would be great to export the payments from a certain time period, sort by credit card used and then calculate totals by card type so we can reconcile our bank statements. Currently it is a manual effort.

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  5. When paying invoice in full, copy internal notes to payment record

    Our membership coordinator enters many renewals manually. She selects the renew button enters an internal note on the invoice, selects the tender and clicks on "Payment Made In Full". When trying to reconcile the payments she wants to export the payments & refunds record and see those notes. We would like to see the invoice internal notes transferred to the payment internal notes if the "Payment Made in Full" button is activated for manual renewals, otherwise it takes extra steps to put the notes in the payment internal notes field.

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  6. Add Recent Renewals to Member List Summary

    I use the Member List Summary page all the time to keep an eye on current membership numbers, but I would love to see an added column that shows how many members have renewed in the last 7 or 30 days (in addition to the "New In Last" columns).

    Because we have a large number of lapsed members in our database, the "New in Last" columns are not always helpful to me on their own, either in terms of giving an accurate idea of recent membership activity, or in easily finding a lapsed member who has recently renewed. An additional…

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  7. Transferring sign-in/authentication status to a third party website

    We would like to have our members link to outside web sites (for example to access journal article content), using the WA login. The easiest way to do this is using signed linking, which there is no support for in WA. This could also provide a simple mechanism to provide Single Sign-on support using the WA login.

    For example, WA should be able to create a link such as:

    <a href="pathInfo?originator=originator&identity=identity&timestamp=timestamp&token=signature">


    • pathInfo - the destination of the link

    • originator - the name of the service generating the signed link. This would be specified in the link settings.

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  8. Event collections report

    From email correspondence:

    "...As we run multiple events each month the income report is useful but only gives the total income for each even whereas the payment report is separated into the various payment types (ie. Cash, check, paypal, etc). having the income report include the various payment types (ie. Cash, check, paypal, etc) would be helpful to reconcile with paypal and our accounting of offline payments. Right now we have to look up the offline payments and minus them form the income total to get the online payment by event or download each event into excel and delete offline…

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  9. Export Blog Content

    My reading of this forum this morning leads me to believe there is no way of extracting blog posts from the Wild Apricot CMS. Is this true? Across the board, meaning even WA staff cannot export the content? Or, a support request to the WA technical staff can solve this issue?


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  10. Yearly Committee sign up need

    Hi. My organization has committees that change every year. We used google docs to allow people to sign up but some had trouble. I created a sign up on our new WA site but it's not working properly. Is it possible to allow us to create A committee signup list for our members?

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  11. Linking Members to Groups

    It sure would be great to be able to link members to specific groups without having their membership level and billing change. Now the only way to put members into a group is through family/corporate bundles and when doing so, the member moves to a different level of membership. Just a simple 'link' feature to activate in membership levels that allow groups and have member ID's inserted would be very helpful. Thank you.

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  12. Custom metadata for events pages

    I run 3-4 events a week and autopost these to FaceBook using the events page RSS and Twitterfeed. It works a treat except that the posts contain the same blurb and a title which I'm not too happy about (you can see what I mean here: )

    Is it possible, to customise the title for the event details pages? It seems to read as "organisation name - event title" as the page title, and the blurb appears to come from the events calendar page description meta tag.

    Is it possible to change the description metadata dynamically (to take details…

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  13. Import of Legacy Subscriptions

    We must migrated to WA and the one thing I couldn't do which would be nice would be to import email subscription options from our old system. The import function didn't allow me to select the Subscription field even though it's a field that can be exported.

    This was my work around. I created groups that matched each of our subscription options and imported to them. I then created saved queries that included anyone subscribed to that option OR anyone in that group to continue sending to the same people. The problem is people who want to unsubscribe can't do…

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  14. Member group administrators / supervisors

    How about giving individuals the ability to renew at different times within the bundle rather than all at the same time? With flexible status, renewal dates and individual payment ability etc.. Would make our setup much more manageable that way... We have members in every county across the province, where different rates are charged in different counties. We would like to have 11 administrators across the province who can admin their own regions (bundles). That way all admins wouldn't have to see every email from every new or renewing member. We could make regional folks bundle admins with the members…

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  15. Record how a member joined


    I'd like to see functionality so you can tell how a member joined. (i.e. they were
    manually added by an administrator, or they joined online)


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  16. Remember Last Doc-Photo Subfolder Used

    When I add one photo to a page, then another, the search always starts over back to the top of the Directory folders, I have to click back down to the sub-folder I was in. Please make the Document and Picture searches remember the last directory used.


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  17. inverse availability of event registrations (all members except some levels)

    Is there a way to make registration types available to Everyone EXCEPT members or those other membership levels that have been defined?

    I want to have some choices available to the general public that the Members who log in would not have to view,

    Thanks for your help,


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  18. Report for Updates

    When emails are returned as undeliverable and the changes are made a daily report of updates made by administrators so the email could be resent would be helpful.

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  19. Capture info prior to accessing certain web pages

    We would like to require that people complete a form before being able to access a specific page on our website

    We want to post an online workbook and video series but want to know when people (and who!) are accessing the page. We would want to require that they complete a form before being granted access to that page. (And preferably allow cookies to be stored so they can come back without having to complete the form again.)

    Thank you for your consideration.

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  20. Include event tags in export of invoices for events

    We're loving WA, and we think it's really going to work!

    The one thing we're finding a bit strange is that Event Category tags work fantastic, but they don't show up anywhere in reporting.

    Furthermore, it's impossible to export a list of events and see any sort of financial data.

    It would be fantastic to have event included in the list of invoices and export of invoices

    Then if we could export this with financial data that would be top!



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