Customer Order for Attendee List
alphabetize the Who's Coming list. give the option by date, or by last name and show the guest name.
UPDATE by Yuri aka Quality Apricot: I decide to add here a good comment from Dustin F., it sheds more light into the problem
The filters you have in place to look at the list of registrants, corresponding guests counts, times, etc. is very convoluted. Instead of a streamlined chart, which is fairly easy to assemble, the result is broken into names, times, counts, etc. This means that for us to know that the Smith party intends to arrive at 6p with four people, we need to look at three separate places on the generated sheet.

Is this different than the current “attendee list” ?
Maggie Divarco commented
it's the attendee list. but can't you have the option of looking at the names in alpha order, or date of sign up, and also viewing the name of the guest?