Treat Membership Application Consistently for Public, Member and Bundlee
Our membership application page displays information about membership. It would be useful for members to be able to view the information on the page, and to be able to show it to someone else without logging out.
But logged-in maxed out bundle administrators can't view any of the content on a page containing the Membership Application gadget. All they see is a message about the bundle being full.
If a bundle member views the page, at least they can see the content and they get a coherent error message "You are already a member." But there is useful information in the Membership Application Gadget that they can't see.
The Member Application Gadget should just be grayed out for a logged-in member. Add a message "You are already a member" if you like. The bundle admin can use their profile to add members.
But there shouldn't be a page that looks four different ways for the public, a bundle member, and a bundle admin depending on whether or not they're maxed.

Ok, I see you point. Basically, you suggest to show everything on the page in any situation and, for example, disable the button Next at the bottom so that existing members cannot apply second time.
Ok, thanks for sharing. -
Walt Bilofsky commented
The URL is . The content is in a separate content gadget.
The bundle member can see the content. The maxed-out bundle admin doesn't see any content on the page, no matter where it's placed. This appears to be a bug.
But even if it's fixed, this does not meet the other three issues.
1. What if a member wants to show a friend the membership application?
2. There is considerable information about membership levels in the membership application. A member should be able to view that information without needing to have it entered on a separate page.
3. A page shouldn't look differently depending on whether someone is a member, a non-member or a bundle admin, unless the content is restricted to members only. (In this case it's restricted to non-members only, which seems strange.)
Walt, hat kind of the information you have on the page? Is it some content above list of membership levels of the list itself? Could you share the link to the page?
If it's just about some content, you can put content outside of the gadget (e.g. above it) into separate content gadget.