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  1. Membership renewal when registering for an event

    Hi, we're just into our second year with wild apricot and our members are starting to renew their memberships and register for this season's events. We ran the memberships yearly expiring on Aug 31 2015, so all are expired now. Most people took the hint to renew their membership when registering for an event in 2016, but somehow some paid for just the new events but didn't renew their membership. I have the setting somewhere (can't find it now) that they can register for multiple events and then pay at the end. Is there a setting somewhere I'm missing to…

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  2. Provide reporting on member logins

    I'd like to have the ability to get more data on recent logins. Currently, the dashboard displays "most active members" but I think a "recently active members" feature is equally if not more useful. I'd also like to be able to see more than just the top 5 results for these categories.

    I think this would be beneficial for monitoring campaigns or promotions. Right now we are trying to get members to use the features of our new site or just log in at all, so if we put together a promotional email, for instance, "The top 5 things you…

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  3. Family/child memberships

    We are providing a web site for our cub parents and scouts and scout parents and we find we have say 2 parents and their 2 children as 4 members, but the parents and children share a family address, the younger children do not have their own address nor do mothers or fathers want the children to have gmail addresses or things like that, so allowing multiple members with one email address would be an improvement for us. A username and password of their choosing preferable to one WA generate.

    The situation also arrises where parents would like email to…

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  4. Printing Membership cards in bulk

    Membership cards are great and I like that members can print their own. I would like to see a feature where the administrator can print all member cards in bulk to card stock like Avery so we can laminate the cards for appearance.

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  5. Provide a way to change membership level during renewal

    Current Behaviour

    During membership renewal a member may have more than one membership level available. Choosing among them is cumbersome. The member clicks one button to renew at his current level or clicks another button to choose a different level.

    Also, changing the membership level doesn’t act like a renewal as regards calculation of the Renewal Due date. Desired Behaviour

    Use one button for both functions. If multiple membership levels are available, show “Renew and choose membership level” on the “Renew until …” button. This would give the member a choice that looks like that on the membership application form.

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  6. Change setup of recurring payment for membership levels - Allow member to choose if he wants to pay recurring or not

    For membership fees, recurrent credit card billing (ie., auto-renewal) doesn't work the way it does in every other subscription management system. Instead of having two payment options on the membership form (or in my case, since I have five membership levels, TEN payment options), the member should select a level and then be provided an option at the next step (like the manual payment versus online election) that allows the person to select recurrent auto billing. The way you have it set up, its basically unusable (IMHO)

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  7. Name Badges

    Now that you have membership cards (3.5" x 2"). Is it possible to add the ability to make Name Badges (4" x 3") for Avery #5260 labels? Or some other label directly from WildApricot.

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  8. option to "not renew"

    This might seem obvious, but is there a way for a member to choose to not renew their membership, archive themselves and thus stop the renewal reminder emails?

    Each year about a third of our organization ages out but we don't know in advance who they are so we can't proactively archive them on the admin side. They get annoyed when the first renewal reminder emails start showing up, and their first reaction is to bombard the membership chairperson with requests to be removed from the email list. It's a pain.

    It this isn't possible, do you have a suggested…

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  9. Purchase of concurrent subscriptions e.g. have members on multiple levels

    Create an option to allow a member to maintain two or more concurrent subscriptions for a paticular site. This is useful if you running a site and selling a subscriptions for information.

    An exmaple of this is that I run a site that sells repair information. A customer signs up and then can choose to signup for Automotive Repair for $50 or Airplane Repair for $100 or both for $150. We need to keep the infromation and forums seperate and only limited to the actual subscribers.

    My understanding that we can only have levels of a paticular membership, not concurrent…

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    Concurrent membership is not something easy to implement - it would require fundamental redesign of how membership works in WA. However, I have couple of thoughts here that I wanted to hear your feedback on.

    As I understand, there are 2 sides of the problem: 

    1. Collecting additional dues for services. E.g. Member is associate and board member, so you need to collect both dues.

     - This can be addressed using our extra fields functionality. Maybe it's a bit clunky, but it should work. E.g. setup associate member as primary membership and add extra charge checkbox for being a board member.

     - You can easily filter down any members you need with advances search by that extra field.

    2. Setting correct permissions on website pages - here there's no workaround we could suggest, but adding permissions based on saved searches seems to feasable option.

    Am I missing something? Will the…

  10. Free trial period for membership

    I would like to offer a free trial access period for all payment levels. Rather like Wild Apricot does, but not necessarily for 30 days. Paypal offer this delayed action payment and it works very well. You can choose how long the free trial period is, and then the payment automatically kicks in.

    Asking people for money upfront puts a lot of people off.

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    Merged multiple thread into this one. Please, vote (click Vote button) to increase its priority

  11. Late Fees on Renewals

    Memberships that renew have a renewal date associated with them. If the member has not initiated the renewal after the date, automatic actions can take place, such as changing the membership status, etc. Actions can progress over days: for example at 7 days the membership might change status to Pending Renewal, and at 14 days be archived.

    Along with these changes, a "overdue fee" could be added as an extra cost fee. Depending on how much time has passed since the registration date, the admin could choose to apply this charge as a flat amount. For example, if…

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  12. Member to member messages

    Current behavior:
    Currently one member can contact another only outside of the system - and only if that member has disclosed his contact information (email/phone)

    Desired behavior:
    Members should be able to contact other members right on the site, without having to expose email addresses

    Messages can be forwarded to member emails - or displayed to each member when logged in.

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  13. keep original expiration date when changing membership levels

    When changing from one membership level to another, the renewal date changes. It shouldn't change just because the level changes.

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  14. Zip code or address radius search for member directory

    I am currently evaluating Wild Apricot for use with a specific database and I would like to be able for public visitors to use the Advanced search to look for:

    Members "within" "x" miles of "zip code" or "address"

    This feature would allow visitors to find people near their location and not just in a specific zip code. It's better to put in the address and find closest locations because it's more specific than the zip code. I think this feature would greatly enhance the ability for people to use this software for other databases. Like for me, I do…

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  15. Support both Organizations & Individual contacts

    Hi WA - I'm new to the product/community and was just reviewing the long thread on bundles ( since we need this feature.

    It looks to me like refactoring to give organization its own entity in the system would setup the platform better for addressing the issues raised.

    Are there long term plans to do something like this?

    • An "Organizations" tab/capability just like "Contacts".
    • People could belong to one or more organizations.
    • Organizations would have their own notes / history etc separate from the people within it.
    • People (contacts) could have different Roles within an organization (member admin;…
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  16. Printable and Downloadable Custom Reports e.g. Member Directory

    Please make the custom report layout feature printable. This would work well for printable directories, group information, etc.

    Our group is trying to make a directory in a PDF format that is searchable and may be printed by those who prefer print.

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  17. Simplified Membership Fields for Adding Members to Bundles

    I would very much like the ability to have a custom field be required for Bundle Admins only (or the single person membership when not part of a bundle). We are a swim club and we need to capture data relevant only to the family (or the individual when not part of a family).

    It is awkward for our members when the bundle members each have to fill out a field that applies only to the family unit, and even worse when the bundle admin, during the process of entering or updating their family's data, has to fill out a…

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  18. QR / Barcodes on the Membership Card

    I've just had a look at the membership cards facility. Great development. But I currently print membership badges with the UserID formatted as a barcode (code39). Members are scanned in to meetings with a barcode zapper (the number goes straight into a spreadsheet). Saves the queue at the door.
    So I need the card editor to allow a barcode font - what's the chance?

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    Dmitry Smirnov responded

    How are you going to use QR codes on membership cards? Do you expect some additional functionality in WA, which will be able to read and process these codes?

  19. Dramatically simplify membership renewal process for members

    This is a request to improve the process for members to renew memberships. Non-Profit organizations depend on memberships and membership renewals for continued funding and advocacy. As a result it’s necessary to repeatedly lobby members to renew, so it’s critical for membership renewals to be a convenient one click process to get to the Pay-Pal screen. Sending members to the home page and requiring a login and password in order to renew membership is inconvenient and cumbersome. We have two requests for improving the process:

    1. A direct link to the “membership renewal page”, bypassing the password requirement (the way the…
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  20. Customization of Member profile page

    What do you think of moving the placeholder (or give us the option to do this) for the personal photo and/or company logo fields to the upper right hand corner of the member profile display page. Look like the page has a nice blank space there (see attached) that would be perfect home for these images. That way, you have the name and photo at the top of the member profile.

    While on that subject, do we have the ability to modify the font size for the member display list?

    Overall. you program is outstanding. I am very impressed with…

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